
Sisko's "WHAT didju just say?" look when Quark says the word is terrific.

What's sad is that the actor who plays that Jem'Hadar never shows up again. He was badass.

What's sad is that the actor who plays that Jem'Hadar never shows up again. He was badass.

Did the Enterprise ever unload non-essential personnel when they knew they were possibly going into a combat situation? 'Cos it'd be dumb if they didn't.

Did the Enterprise ever unload non-essential personnel when they knew they were possibly going into a combat situation? 'Cos it'd be dumb if they didn't.

"it’s not like I particularly wanted to see Miles doomed to a life of hard labor and occasional torture."

"it’s not like I particularly wanted to see Miles doomed to a life of hard labor and occasional torture."

I laughed at that last faceplant, with the basketball. AND I'M NOT SORRY

I laughed at that last faceplant, with the basketball. AND I'M NOT SORRY

I liked Fighting! For one thing, it's a formulaic fight flick with a real gritty and true-to-life feel for the lives of the down-on-their-luck in New York. And for another, that is just an awesomely direct and straightforward title.

I liked Fighting! For one thing, it's a formulaic fight flick with a real gritty and true-to-life feel for the lives of the down-on-their-luck in New York. And for another, that is just an awesomely direct and straightforward title.

Is "foreignly" a word?

Is "foreignly" a word?

If this isn't codified as a Holy Rule of Screenwriting, it damn well better be now:

If this isn't codified as a Holy Rule of Screenwriting, it damn well better be now:

Nothing in the least bit pulpy about that Green Hornet movie. It was a parody of its own source material.

Nothing in the least bit pulpy about that Green Hornet movie. It was a parody of its own source material.

Not my blog.

Not my blog.

A review of Will Smith's early musical output? Hey, guess what I watched recently!