
Atlas Shrugged 2: The Shrugquel

Nonono. The Bird is not an emphatic expression of anger. The Bird is a kiss-off. It's either the last word in an argument that the other person cannot possibly respond to 'cos you're not even looking at him afterwards, or it says "I am expressing my contempt for you in a manner requiring as little effort as possible,

Does no one remember "Lemon Tree" by Fool's Garden, or have you just never heard it?

And at this very moment, there are 1337. ph34r our sk1llz!

From the same episode, he describes himself as a "people person." That's why he's in the service industry, as opposed to a more lucrative business sector. Shows that even an initially one-note alien race like the Ferengi can be diverse.

I'd say the Klingons were closer to Space Samurai.

What I heard was that the show knew it wasn't getting ratings, but as part of the Trek franchise it wouldn't ever get cancelled. That gave it complete freedom from network pressure.


The choreography was done by Yuen Woo-Fucking-Ping. You know not of what you speak.

I thought the first was great. The sequels lost that whole "here are normal, well-adjusted people terrorized by evil for no explicable reason" and replaced it with witchcraft! Ancient curses! Evil grandmas! Feh.

Yeah, that. I'm Chinese and I'm genetically predisposed to not like Japanese (or at least WW2-era Japanese), but even I felt bad about how they were depicted in that book.

But if you spell it "bewbs", it's aaaaallll good.

Sulu flew the chopper in IV. And I thought it was neat that he likes choppers, being the helmsman.

IV had Spock reconciling his human and Vulcan sides. Again.

Actually, Wikipedia says it's $12 million more than First Contact. Fooled ya, huh?

Are there still TOS fans that hate TNG? Which BBS do they hang out at?

You know what a good Trek movie should always, always be? An ensemble picture. You can have one protagonist in the captain and one or two major supporting characters, but it should always be about a whole crew. That's what the TOS movies got right; every cast member who isn't Shatner, Nimoy or Kelley were likable,

I watched it in September last year, but not in the U.S.

Ryan Donowho? Is that a typo? Could there also be an actor named David Neverherdahim?

The Hole is horror for kids. Not the best example of such, but that's a rare enough subgenre that it's worth checking out.