
Things I learned from watching that interview:

Way to hold two opposing ideas with the greatest of ease, Phil. Congrats on your genius.

I believe the working title was Tribal Tattoo.

You're Gonna Make Me Buy a Zoo When You Go

The interwar era was way better. This type of movie, a little Glenn Miller, a pink champagne cocktail, a different suit for work and dinner. Yup… I'm a total asshole.

Dunno, Diz didn't pick up a sax and he didn't last too long after that…

The takeaway from this book: when making a sandwich for Greg Nice: he said butter, not Parkay.

This is a question of second best; Charlotte Forever is first best. Insanely.

Yeah, yeah, I'll look at it later.

In that case, you'd think some enterprising young savant among them would've gold-dipped Han Solo figurines and sold them for cheap. Too bad there is nobody like that on the show.

Huh? Anyway, Sara J. is the one with the freckles? She's the fine one. She is so fine that if I were Alan Hollinghurst, and not gay, I would've written Line of Beauty about her—-she deserves to have a Booker Prize-winning novel written about the shape of her body. That's how fine she is. That fine.

Maybe Teti meant 'net proceeds.' Don't recall. It'd be 'fucking idiotic' if it actually was 'gross proceeds.'

Rather you watch 'shows like this' (I'm guessing Project Runway… perhaps Braxton Family Values) with the equanimity of a Victorian connoisseur inspecting the Elgin marbles… ?

That is literally the epitome of irony, Incitatus.

That ad is beautiful. It is what the Virgin Suicides could've been were it about falling late model hatchbacks.

Yeah, they seem cool. But I'm way better looking than all of them.

That kind of makes you more of a hipster.

Would rather hear an atmospheric cover of Look Like Jesus. Has Jesus in the title…

Glad that you shared that with us, sis. "Gros gros bisous, grande petite," comme on dit dans la famille.