
Feel like I need to be in this discussion? I streamed it the other day, and I agree that the last track is some of the best I've heard by them in a while, even though I totally jammed on "Mladic" a while back as well. But I got to see them live, and cried to "Moya", so I'm good for the rest of my life, really.

Or during. Started strong, then a slog through the middle. Finished well, but I lost interest after that album.

That's crazy that you'd have We Have The Facts… so high (and I agree that it's their best), and then follow it with their two much more mainstream ones. I put The Photo Album second, and there are days when it's hard not to put it ahead of We Have The Facts… They're the only two I have on vinyl, though I might get

Oh my god, how do I love her even more now? Except for the boyfriend part. I could do without that.

Portland, but I have some knowledge of the SF shortly afterwards, as well.

This is sort of what I thought/hoped this would lead to as well. Off the top of my head:

I still regret missing that lineup when they were in Seattle forever ago. I don't know what was wrong with me.

Sounds similar to when I saw them in Seattle.

I just commented on this show a few posts up from here!

I probably would have done that, too.

Yeah, I agree about Say Anything. I went to see a show a while back with them headlining, and only stayed for like the first song, I think. The Front Bottoms were worth it, as always, however.

What kind of place starts a show when there's still people in line outside?

I'd like to take on some SSP members at "Rock Band". I do "Lazy Eye" pretty damn well, if I do say so myself.

It wasn't intentional, but I went to a show that had a lineup of Great Big Pile of Leaves, The World Is A Beautiful Place…, and Into It/Over It headlining. After TWIABP, I was too blown away to even consider hanging around for II/OI, because I knew it would be a let-down.

True. And speaking of which, I feel like "Murder Me Rachael" from Cherry Tree is a better candidate for The National than the one they included in this list.

As much as I try to count AIC as a guilty teenager-y pleasure of mine, you are correct about "Nutshell", and that's not taking anything away from that whole studio EP, either.

I feel that way about "Handshake Drugs" from that live album. I don't know if I ever listen to the original anymore.

I like to tell people about when I saw them with Built to Spill in Seattle, back in 1998, and I'm pretty convinced that Isaac was all sorts of intoxicated, since he spent most of the night in a stupor, screaming into his guitar pickups, but still rocking the eff out of everything they did.

I'll probably listen to it again some time soon, especially since there's all this discussion about it, but I honestly couldn't tell you how either of those songs goes right now, which means that they're not as imprinted on my brain as is anything from This is a Long Drive… or LCW.

Yeah, that and his take on "Trucker's Atlas" are nice and unique, and always give me a different perspective on those songs.