
I always assumed it was due to the Ferengi's particularly sensitive ears (or in this case, the inner ear). Just as our ears pop due to pressure changes, so too would his, although this should be compensated for by the ship's atmospheric systems. Hence his "You don't have the lobes" remark (paraphrased).

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus While I agree that Keiko could (and should) have been written better, the fact that Garak and Dukat are smaller characters that remain awesome doesn't really disprove Eli's point. Both of them have awesome occupations/skills/etc, with interesting backstories and

Which brings to mind one of my questions every time I see this episode (albeit one only tangentially related to this thread): how could the Federation cede the station over to the Klingons? The Bajorans own the station, and they've signed a treaty with the Cardassians. Additionally, the station is awfully close to

Which brings to mind one of my questions every time I see this episode (albeit one only tangentially related to this thread): how could the Federation cede the station over to the Klingons? The Bajorans own the station, and they've signed a treaty with the Cardassians. Additionally, the station is awfully close to



I'm not sure if I'm misreading your statement, but Leeta wasn't brought into the cast for that reason; she was brought into Dax's "closest friends circle" for the purposes of this episode for that reason. She had too many female past hosts and they needed to shoehorn another woman in, hence why they pushed that

The funny thing about his performance here (and which may be mentioned elsewhere in the 600+ comments below) is that it's the second take, after his first attempt was deemed "too goddamn frightening". From the DS9C, everyone collectively crapped their pants from his first run-through and had him tone it back a bit,

The funny thing about his performance here (and which may be mentioned elsewhere in the 600+ comments below) is that it's the second take, after his first attempt was deemed "too goddamn frightening". From the DS9C, everyone collectively crapped their pants from his first run-through and had him tone it back a bit,

As I recall, the *actor* who played Mysterious Cardassian Informant had been used (as a Klingon, I think?). While unlikely, I wonder if that played a role in their decision to keep him hidden from us as well as from Odo.

As I recall, the *actor* who played Mysterious Cardassian Informant had been used (as a Klingon, I think?). While unlikely, I wonder if that played a role in their decision to keep him hidden from us as well as from Odo.

After these reviews started, I tried to rewatch DS9 at the pace of the reviews and failed miserably, blowing through the entire series in about a month. Left with nothing to do, I decided to take it upon myself to watch all of Voyager in its stead, in anticipation of

After these reviews started, I tried to rewatch DS9 at the pace of the reviews and failed miserably, blowing through the entire series in about a month. Left with nothing to do, I decided to take it upon myself to watch all of Voyager in its stead, in anticipation of

According to the Companion, the writers felt that the rebellion was "logical, therefore we needed a Vulcan as part of the resistance" or something to that effect. Tuvok was the only recognizable one still active, so he fit the bill and they tossed him in.

According to the Companion, the writers felt that the rebellion was "logical, therefore we needed a Vulcan as part of the resistance" or something to that effect. Tuvok was the only recognizable one still active, so he fit the bill and they tossed him in.