
In the DS9C Behr (I think) states that this was deliberately left ambiguous; the audience was intended to infer whether or not Sisko slept with either or both women.

In the DS9C Behr (I think) states that this was deliberately left ambiguous; the audience was intended to infer whether or not Sisko slept with either or both women.

This may end up getting pointed out further down in the comments (as I'm only up to comment #250 or so…), but it's worth noting that despite the fact that the dartboard retrospectively seems like a great choice in contrast to Voyager's pool table, billiards was their original choice in DS9 (per the DS9 Companion). We

This may end up getting pointed out further down in the comments (as I'm only up to comment #250 or so…), but it's worth noting that despite the fact that the dartboard retrospectively seems like a great choice in contrast to Voyager's pool table, billiards was their original choice in DS9 (per the DS9 Companion). We

That scene with Visitor and Auberjonois was managed excellently. According to the DS9 companion, Odo's reaction was created on the spot by Rene, unscripted, but it adds such a nice little moment to it.

That scene with Visitor and Auberjonois was managed excellently. According to the DS9 companion, Odo's reaction was created on the spot by Rene, unscripted, but it adds such a nice little moment to it.

Fun fact IMDB just told me: Andrew Robinson is the kid's godfather.

Fun fact IMDB just told me: Andrew Robinson is the kid's godfather.

It may not really be a major issue regardless (as he might just be a red herring), but at least from the writers' perspective, it's the same guy. Although depending on what happened with the cigar cutter, he might not be…

According to Worley, that's actually the same almost naked guy.

Worley's stated that this is definitely not the last we see of her, although he hasn't stated in what context she'll next appear.

The character's drink of choice is Pappy Van Winkle (and indeed, that was the same bourbon that the original boss added to his coffee, much to my dismay). I can attest that it's not very readily available in most areas outside of its immediate vicinity, unless you get particularly lucky. I'd wager that Detroit doesn't