
Agree that Burroughs is the best of the bunch though I never considered him one of The Beats..and all the Old Bull Lee stuff is the best parts of On The Road.

And he knew how to use punctuation unlike me

Truman Capote said it best "That's not writing its, typing."

if you're 18 or younger OP have at it..18 or older its absolute garbage and will probably give you migraines…Kerouac was a shit writer.

besides being set in the Northwest,and the murder victim is a young girl…how is this anything like Twin Peaks?…backwards talking dancing dwarfs? delicious pie?c'mon AV clubbers break it down and let it be broken.

you have the final vote Jor-El
Reboot of a redo of a remake…Guilty!!

cool and refreshing
I soak my balls in your Lazarus pit.

All up in yo face Daisy was Driving..in 3D!!

Damn you!!damn you all!!

every time I hear it I'm just floored ..
My Lagan Love!!

Maron you bastard!!

Dizzy dames

@B Town…an entire culture of music? Kinda broad with that brush aren't ya? Btw when you say "we"…do you mean white people?

The Gap Bands "you dropped the bomb on me" and the peter and the wolf soundtrack

You just named two rap groups that have never promoted any love of scarface or scarface like ideals..try again.

Resse was hardcore trailer trash in that flick..and quick to fuck a bitch up.

Taalibba I'm not gonna bash on ya,but seriously ..point out one whiny moment in that film cause I don't see it.

It's actually considered Afro beat (I guess?)but has Fela Kuti been covered on Gateways?

Might not be essential but..
The album that did it for me is "A modern jazz symposium of music and poetry with Charlie Mingus"

Supermans moms is hot.