Fan Disservice

Potato salad in particular cannot be trusted. People are always putting bacon in it.

The Night's King is waaaaayyyyy cooler than Trump, though.

Calm down, buddy. Our government knows very good and well that some of the people receiving US money in the Ukraine are Nazis, which is why Congress lifted a ban on funding Neo-Nazis from a recent spending bill (the Conyers-Yoho amendment).

I hope the Cold War redux fades away. My fear is that the Democrats are prepping us to play even more intense footsie with our Neo-Nazi buddies in the Ukraine, which cannot possibly end well.

John Brown and his men appreciate your support.

Re: toddler throwing. The movie did make me ponder how a sincere belief in embodied evil ('the devil') plus strained family/social dynamics could, and did, lead to some pretty horrific shit. What would it be like to live in a world in which literally any horrible thing was believed to be possible? I studied

'Creepily alluring?'

I find this weekly post of yours strangely reassuring.

I thought Cloverfield was brilliant and if you disagree I will fight you.

In New York the wall would have been frisked and arrested.

I'm pretty sure that means you're going to turn into a vampire eventually.

The furnace. The sound of forced air coming through a vent is kind of soothing.

The Hobbit?

Hopefully Turner is a superstitious git and the hex bothers him.

It's a really good way to irritate a particular group of people (evangelicals and their fellow travelers, and a good number of MRAs). When it's a political statement more than a religious one, I give it two thumbs up.

I don't think the ACA is tenable long-term. Possibly even medium-term. It relies on the cooperation of private insurance companies, and they will find a way to crater it when/if they decide it's in their best interest to do so (see Aetna's recent behavior for a preview). We'll eventually end up with single-payer or

I'm particularly concerned about what she may do in Syria and the Ukraine.

I'm still wondering how it is that Hawke's character crashed through the hallway ceiling in the middle of the night and nobody woke up. Suspension of disbelief and all that, but come on, there are limits….

Were you high?