Fan Disservice

I've been paying some attention to the releases, and there's nothing big in there. Just evidence of the way the rich and powerful look out for each other, which is not a surprise. The pay-for-play stuff is more interesting, but also not a surprise.

Still a milestone that would be nice to achieve someday. It would have the added benefit of shaking up our two-party system, just a little. Peasants getting restless and all that.

I don't get why so many Americans, of both parties, seem to cling to the belief that there is anything virtuous about our foreign policy. It is bloody, disgusting, and self-serving (self-serving in intent, if not always in outcome, see: al Qaeda, ISIS). I mean, look at Yemen right fucking now. We're collaborating with

If you're in a solid red or solid blue state, it makes sense to vote third party if you're trying to get said party past the magical 5% cutoff for public funding eligibility. If you're in a toss-up state, think harder.

Struggles to wield saidin, makes constipated faces

It's the Jack Daniel's version of Fireball. Supposed to be a lot better. I need to evaluate the claim for myself.

So, what is everyone planning on drinking tomorrow night while watching the election results come in? I still need to go get a bottle of Tennessee Fire….

Exactly! Tactical third-party voting.

It's just possible that Daryl knows that if he pretends to give in, his first assigned task will be to go kill one of his friends. The charade wouldn't last long enough for him to bother with it.

Binge watch of Wolf Hall.


I think he uses Jaegermeister.

All I remember about that film was that at the end, when the bad guys were facing off against the good guys, every damn one of the bad guys was riding a black horse. The good guys had brown and white horses. I rolled my eyes so hard I believe I may have sprained them.

Dude, your generation-based snark is bringing me down. Does that count as emotional sincerity?

Hah, my favorite is 'idiopathic': a pretentious word that only means 'we don't know how you got it.'

Wouldn't I have to hit myself with the speed of light squared to become energy?

I'm coming to work there. Don't care what the job is.

Angela Bassett. I'd watch that all day. And I'd put her name first.

Egad, this reminds me of an old AV Club thread in which people were randomly using words from Seagal movie titles to generate new movie titles. I still laugh about Above the Ground. So thanks for that, commenter whose identity I have long forgotten.

I was a vegetarian once for about a year and a half. Then I donated blood, went home, and dove into the leftover turkey like a starving weasel.