Fan Disservice

A weird medieval version of Fight Club.

It's always been an issue to socialists.

As our friend upthread has pointed out, the median income of Trump supporters is actually rather high, hovering around $70,000. Not all Trump supporters are working class, obviously. From what I can gather, his success should be blamed on aggrieved white males from all income levels.

For some reason your comments are disappearing. I hate disqus.

Because everyone on earth who gives an employer 40 hours per week of their life deserves a wage that will enable them to live with dignity. Everyone.

Wow, this is some messed up shit right here. You've just consigned millions of people to the ash-heap of history for getting caught up in a failing economy. People ought to be able to live what we call a 'middle-class' life if they work a 40-hour week, I don't care if they're surgeons or burger-flippers.

Has anyone ever made a documentary that didn't have some point of view behind it? All of it's propaganda.

They'd be dying in fields, because there would be no streets.

Globally speaking, yes. In the US, it would depend on the cost of living wherever you're located.

The privilege argument drives me crazy because I see it coming from a lot of white people who are positioning themselves as great saviors of (American) people of color. Ugh, no.

It's possible he has a slightly different take than you do on what constitutes "bad" behavior in a powerful political figure. I find his refusal to jump on any politician's bandwagon to be a breath of fresh air in our highly polarized, not to mention propagandized, atmosphere. He also refuses to conflate the messenger

Greenwald is definitely not a hack. He's one of about four reporters in existence whose work I respect. And he's never claimed Clinton is just as bad as Trump.

Today would be a good day to look at The Intercept, in fact.

Trump has also been accused of rape, and more than once. I believe one of his exes testified under oath that he had raped her. Even if he weren't a rapist, though, there would be no reason to support him.

The Democrats will nominate zombie Henry Kissinger, and the Republicans will nominate Hitler's brain. Assuming current trends continue.

"Your Eyes Open" & "Crystal Ball"

Yes. The bear trap didn't work after all.

Ancient Aliens drives me absolutely batshit. Every time my significant other watches it we get into an argument. I hope that guy with the bad hair has a miserable sex life.

It would be nice if he accepted responsibility for his actions and acted like a human being. But rapists are notoriously bad at that.