Harsh, but fair.
Harsh, but fair.
The A.V. Club
How many more acrobats must die before this festival madness will end?
The A.V. Club
You've obviously never had to live with a 14-year-old girl.
That's Hollywoo for you.
You might say that he's had a realistic, down-to-earth career that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots.
It's not TV, it's HBO.
I have to admit, Randall Park's is not the first face that would come mind if I were casting a WASP movie.
He's also a major league derp as well as a. . .chirp? I'm not sure what that last one means but since it's this guy I know it can't be good.
I don'r know, but I can tell you this release is not going to go over well in Asia.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines. Raphael is cool but rude, Michelangelo is a party dude.
Maybe now, but once you get to be our age that'll seem like nothing to you.
Did you do the joke that goes "What's long and hard and full of seamen?"
I keep my menagerie of captured aviatrices behind my cellar door.
I really am disappointed we never found out what would happen if you actually gave one of those guys a light.