
Oh come on, show a little love for the ugly ones, too.

You need at least 90% before you notice anything. . .it only really started looking twilighty to me about 10 minutes before totality.

Hey, not cool. Gigantic orporate entities have feelings too, you know. And if they like to indugle in a little cospay you, of all people, shouldn't judge.

Well, he WAS a hipster. The his hair got too mainstream and lost whatever there was that was good about it.

I saw his hair once or twice, it was actually bullshit.

Do you happen to know the exchange rate?

681, for my reflections on the death of a beloved Breaking Bad character.

I thought they personally hated all of us. . ?

I thought that was Craig J. Clark. . .?

And what if I'm not using a Disqus account?

*Rick Sanchez voice*
And that's the waaay the news goes!

It's actually a blessing in disguise that the clip isn't available, since that just leaves me free to imagine the farmer as David Herman saying that the Fuehrer's the one who sucks.

Parading all over everyone's rain clouds, naturally.

I'm pretty sure one of the managers at my Planet Fitness is very interested in my anus, actually.

Oh,yeah, whiskey sour's an easy drinking cocktail. That's the best entry point for the timid like myself.

You know, I've had just about enough of your back sass, hayne. You watch yourself.

You don't actually want to know where she wears it.

Somewhat surprisingly, that job requires a tie.

I recommend she make a clone of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? entitled If You Seek Amy.

What he needs instead is his very own "Toad," or "Moby Dick" or whatever the showcase for his drumming skillz named after his penis would be called.