

"You know, for kids."

So (clown) (eggplant) (steaming) is still available, right?

If you had a scheme to take a bunch of losers and monetize them, wouldn't you? That general strategy has kept this very site afloat for well over a decade!

A trombone?

Sigh, when will people learn? Never go with a hippie to a second location.

"I like rebellions that weren't crushed."

I've never seen a man who so craved adoration will being simultaneously fearless about doing things to make people hate him

This post does a good job of breaking down a lot of what the memo is really up to:

Have you ever read a Newswire on here? It would be bizarre to see one that didn't mock its subject in some way.

Well, to be fair, I think the principled progressive position would be to mock a more conservative organization (let's say Ken Ham's Ark Park) for firing an employee for expressing opinions that were contrary to their image, but it would still be their legal right to do it, just as potential customers all have the

I thougt the scene ended with them already starting to launch the boat didn't it?

After Gendry took out those guards I was yelling at Davos to stop to get his bribes back but of course Davos left without getting his bribes back. URGH.

Oh, but it did, just in a rather underhanded way that can't really be conveyed with a single quote. This discussion was about whether a memo has to literally use the phrase "women shouldn't be engineers" to be against women engineers, which of course it does not.
Obviously, I agree that's a cowardly sort of argument,

I miss voting for that man too, Hank.

Marino in particular has been killing it this whole season and hasn't gotten enough kudos for that. We should not start taking him for granted!

Oh, crap, I didn't realize that either. That two-minute-movie was one of my favorte bits of the series.

That's not what I asked. If I were you, I'd work on learning to read better instead of going around calling people dumbasses.

I've really come around to the opinion that the entire thing was caculated by him to have the response it did, and that he's ending up exxactly where he planned to be.

That's not what I'm talking about. As everybody's been pointing out, you're oversimplifying the sequence of events that put Snowden in Russia to make it seem like he had more viable options that he did, and that his own agency was responsible for him getting there.