Obscure Pop Culture Reference

Did you guys hear that? It's the sound of Buzzfeed exploding.

I thought so to. I think it would have been better if they cut out the pre-taped stuff, and just had him do a quick monologue followed by longer panel segments. Anything that creates more opportunities for bits like John Mulaney's "playing dead for a bear" riff.

Pfft. That's clearly a clever portmanteau, as the clinic is obviously located on the Junkyville/Bumtown border.

What are you talking about? Haven't you ever heard that Robert Palmer song, "Simply Unresistable?"

I, for one, would like to further explore a world where women who look like Jennifer Aniston find themselves unresistably attracted to dudes who look like Charlie Day.

Let's just say the concept moves them…TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

I'd much rather see a "Texts From Dog" adaptation. I think I could sell it to Fox for its Sunday lineup pretty damn easily.

I'm calling it right now: The trailer will open with audio of a little girl singing "London Bridge" a capella with a slight echo over muted shots of Butler, Eckart, Freeman and the woman they're going to get to play the British person they need to protect, all looking up worried at something. Once she finishes a

Are you offering this as proof of the G rule or as a knock against it? Because if it's the latter, you'll have to tangle with my sense of Millenial nostalgia, and it's armed with hundreds of Buzzfeed gif-sets to prove you wrong.

Having now been to my share of local government budget meetings, I now know just how horrendously accurate that scene is.

Meh. I thought he was too bland. That could have just been a problem with the character itself, since the show stopped before the point in the Bible when David actually became interesting.

Unless it's just season 2 of Kings, and they keep McShane but re-cast David.

If I remember my freshman year theology teacher correctly, any time you see a reference to "40" in the Bible, you basically translate it as "a shit-ton," unless you're one of those literalist types who believe everything is exactly true.

On the telephone?

You think our puny Earth braces can move his Kryptonian super-teeth? Every orthodontist in Smallville went insane trying to straighten those things with stainless steel and plastic.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus How about 25 episodes over two seasons, and the last three all air on the same night just to give die-hard fans closure?

Well, we are already three years past the actual date of "Lisa's Wedding." Where are our flying car and realistic-looking robots that for some reason have tear ducts, yet burst into flames whenever they cry?

Is Pitch Black worth watching? The little bits of Chronicles of Riddick I've caught on cable appear to be an incomprehensible mess, but from the little I've heard about it I think I might enjoy Pitch Black.

I doubt he's going to networks and pitching these things himself. It's far more likely some network exec says, "You know what's really cheap to film? A talk show. And if we can tie it to one of our most popular shows, and use that connection to an established brand to give us a slight ratings boost? Even better." Then

I would buy the DVD box set of that show in a heartbeat.