Obscure Pop Culture Reference

My friends blindfolded me once to take me to surprise restaurant for a birthday dinner. They walked me in and took off the blindfold, and as soon as I saw the logo behind the hostess's desk I said pretty loudly "Oh, fuck you guys." They laughed, we turned straight around and went to the real place.

There was that time where Moe says he's gonna stay at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret Sears catalog. I'd say it's at least implied there.

The AV Club has disbanded!
*Jumps out window*

Fuck yeah. The pancakes on an airplane bit is an all-time classic.

I'll cop to crying at the end of the Pokemon episode when Ash was going to leave his Pikachu with the group of wild Pikachu, but they end up reuniting. I've teared up at plenty of things, but for some reason that's the only pop culture thing I remember outright bawling over.

These few weeks of reviews have given me an itch for more Clone High again. So let's make some, people. Let's hear some story pitches. I'll start:

Simmons is a pretty big fan of The Wire, so he should know by now: You come at the king, you best not miss.

You're a g-g-g-DEAD GUY!

"It's going to have everything: recurring characters you got sick of years ago, pop-ins from other former cast members who happen to be in New York, Spud Webb, a musical guest nobody will remember in five years, and human 8-tracks."

I know Garfield is a dick to Odie, Jon and Nermal, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him a psychopath.

Don't forget Roy!

Do you mean to tell me that the countless days I spent creating a unified timeline of every episode and comic issue were all for nothing?

Um, excuse me, there already was a Simspons/Futurama crossover. It was a two-issue Bongo Comics special crossing over their Simpsons and Futurama lines. The comics also recognize that the Simpsons is supposed to be a fictional universe, while Futurama takes place in a future version of our real universe. The havoc

It's only the first season. If it's anything like the American version by the end of season three he'll have reestablished the monarchy.

That story is so close to how actual American politics works it hurts.

Ned Flanders in…"Ta-diddly-aken"

I never really noticed it until my FOX affiliate started using that clip to promote their syndication block, with a VO instead of the audio. It creeped me the hell out.

Or starring roles in horrible movies *cough* I Frankenstein *cough*

How do you not do Team Discovery Channel? Or was that one already taken?

Well, she was in Stealth. I think that pretty much killed any chance she had of being an action star, or any other kind of movie star, really.