Johnny Wiseau

I'd give Interstellar a chance if it wasn't nearly 3 hours long. There are very few directors who can pull off a movie of that length, and I doubt Nolan is one of them.

No thanks, Chris.

I wrote this song a long time ago, a real long time ago, way back in 1994


Was this before or after Office Space came out (1999)?

Mine came in clown makeup and kept talking about doing cocaine.

That clip of Hitchens insulting Maher and his audience is gold.

In all seriousness, our pop culture is pretty damn good. Not Japan good, but pretty close.

I don't even know what to think of this.

LucasArts had a nearly 10 year string of timeless adventure games. So glad to see them starting to get re-released.

When will they learn that Terminator is James Cameron's brainchild? He wrote and directed the two best films (by far) in the franchise.

I love the '80s Metallica albums, and I find the movie fascinating. But then, I only became a fan of those albums after the movie came out, so I had no pretensions about Metallica being anything other than what they are.

I upvoted you even though I don't like Drake.


Don't forget Bronies.

He was actually pretty accurate about the expiration year.


Alien Isolation sounds mighty intriguing. The common criticism of the titular xenomorph being "unfair" or "cheap" sounds almost like a plus to me. And the developers seem to have nailed the look and atmosphere of the film.

I thought his voice sounded fishy.

Actually, it's a '70s parody. See Longtime Lurker's comment below.