Johnny Wiseau

There is nothing more "hardcore" about the shooters and sports games
that vast majority of male gamers almost exclusively play. And even
widely popular RPGs like Skyrim or open-world titles like GTA tend to be
flash over substance.

That's it. I love Vanilla Ice.

Hillary Clinton comes across as cold and robotic, much like Mitt Romney. This is not a coincidence; they happen to come from the same line of government-funded androids.

"I wanna get you in frumpy pantsu/
Time for me to say kawaii desu"

Actually I'm hoping that's what this film is partly about. They couldn't possibly do another entire film of fans bitching…could they?

Damn kids aren't watching enough TV these days.

I haven't played since MGS4 either. Sigh, looks like Kojima is biting off more than he can chew.

Where are these mythical professors who ask their whole class to be militant atheists?

My personal pick.

I do too, but the show is kinda Aaron McGruder's baby. I think I'm looking forward to Black Jesus even more.

Yes, unless he truly loves Audi that much.

Bro, I'm so there. I love Dave, and will honor his legacy by yelling his old jokes at him while he's trying to tell new ones.

It's not frat bros or even intentional hecklers. It's people who think that yelling a popular joke out loud is HILARIOUS. Those people are everywhere.

Okay, close the comments section, because Lack of Name wins.


Sends you Blu-Ray copy of the film.

No, he wouldn't have sold out. He would go the exact opposite direction, and become a regular on the Alex Jones show.

Sorry man. Just being honest.

Snidely, your gimmick has always sucked. I thought you would realize it for yourself eventually, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

"Are you ready for this shit, BITCH?" - Oprah