Johnny Wiseau

No one. The OWN network is tanking, last I heard.

If you're looking for anarchic spirit, I recommend 4chan.

You know, for a second I thought you might have done a phantom edit to make me look like a fool. But nope, it's still there:

A Bill Watterson interview is rare. Will probably watch the movie just to hear him.

Wow, Paramount. Take a bow guys. I'm sure people were opting to watch Top Gun by way of Twitter pics rather than buying the Blu-Ray/DVD. Genius decision.

Emo was a fad, whereas goth seems to be timeless.

I like Mastodon. That is all.

Did…did Jay Leno just say "that's gangsta"?

That look of pure terror…."Oh God, am I next? No, lord, no!"

I'm not going to have a serious debate with someone who states that his opinion is "simply" fact.

"There's no way the U.S. wouldn't automatically assume this was a first strike by the Russians and launch their nukes."

Yeah, I'm calling BS too. Jay-Z has an occasional hit single every few years, and that's it as far as his music's popularity goes. (Not that I'm knocking Jay-Z. Reasonable Doubt and The Black Album are great.)

Jesus, how many AV Clubbers have been on Jeopardy? I'm at 4 so far (including Marah).

Dave Mustaine did really good on Rock and Roll Jeopardy. (It's on YouTube.) Dude knows his Elton John.

For once Pepsi Sr. is not disappointed with his son's public behavior.

The "dick swinging bravado and bragging" as you put it is Pantera's worst legacy. The thrash bands of the '80s were just tough; they never talked about it, but you knew it. Then Pantera comes in, overcompensating for their glam past, and hundreds of shit-talking bands follow.

Death metal wasn't a European scene. It originated and thrived in Florida, including the namesake band of the genre. Alt-metal like Alice in Chains, White Zombie, and Melvins were also doing well.

Or any day for that matter.

I appreciate that final paragraph. It's so annoying when people say that Pantera saved metal for the '90s.

That video looks like it was inspired by Blade Runner.