Johnny Wiseau

I always wondered whether Michael Jordan was an unknown outside the U.S.. I guess not.

Did I find a cartoon rabbit attractive just because he put a dress on? Is that what you're asking?

I refuse to believe that Buzzfeed actually has a community. Just people who end up on the site by accident.

I was a little underwhelmed by the previous BioShocks, but I would totally buy the next game in the series if it was set in space.

Was going to upvote until last sentence.

Why the fuck is this happening?

I love the original movie so much I'll never watch this no matter what.

Uh, no. Google Glass isn't just a camera. I wouldn't even consider the camera to be the main function of Glass. It's a wearable computer, or essentially a hands-free smartphone. Now whether that's actually useful is up for debate, but it's certainly cutting-edge for most people.

Oh okay, I've only seen the first season.

My god…what a tacky statue. A messianic sad-sack.

Oh lordy.

Chrysler spokesperson Bob Dylan.

He says on the internet.

And what is that something? Google Glass seems pretty cutting edge to me.

That is correct. Can you prove that he didn't?

Street knowledge amazes the scholars when we coin phrases for dollars.

Irish Jesus?

Even Hitler returned his rented films on time.

So, not that long then?

I think Spongebob (in its prime) is better than Adventure Time. Adventure Time just seems like internet humor in cartoon form to me, which is fine, but I prefer the classic cartoon archetypes and plots in Spongebob (as described in this article). I think the character designs are better in Spongebob as well. And