Johnny Wiseau

The Room is on the internet, so no.

Troll 2 is a horror film. There are way too many bad horror films out there. The Room is a drama.

Yeah, I'm kinda bummed too. I think David Lynch would've been a good fit.

Or you could withhold judgement. You're never going to interact with any of these people anyhow.

It's a cock.

I have that same fear. I'm a weird dude, and if I were to be accused of molestation, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't think twice.

I'd like to know what Ja Rule has to say on this matter.

I think it's the only post-80s Metallica album that does justice to the legacy of those first four albums. The orchestra adds a lot of resonance and scope to the more progressive songs, and Metallica themselves play like pros (even Lars, for once).

Now that's what I'm talking about. Thank you Denny.

People will think you're referencing the wrong rapper. They're wrong.

I love you too.

but…but sir, you picked a post-Seasons song! this is awful!

That orchestra album was pretty good though. It shouldn't have been, but it was.

That video is chilling. It's also the last time Metallica represented the alternative to hair metal and fantasy-themed metal.

Isn't it kind of obvious what the difference is? Metal was still a new and youthful genre in the '80s. Adult fans would've been anomalies. It's not comparable to being an adult metalhead now, thirty years later, where you have people who grew up listening to metal.

Metal is one of my favorite genres, and is probably the nearest and dearest one due to its outcast/misfit status.

You really don't know? Do you live in hipster-ville or something?

It's a neat clip, but why is it notable that most of these people aren't celebrities anymore? The freaking Jonas Bros. are barely celebrities now, and they were the hottest thing just a few years ago. Also, it's a premiere for a 20 minute Disneyland "ride". Most of these celebs were D-list even at the time.

If it's true, Woody Allen is a fucking monster.

The episode as a whole was mediocre and not particularly funny, or even new in theme (see: Stupid Spoiled Whore). But damn if that ending wasn't heartbreaking. If the whole world is crazy, except for you, I guess you have no choice but to act crazy if you want to feel loved.