Johnny Wiseau

The A.V. Club
I never quite got why little kids liked it when they didn't even get all the Daredevil references.

Your childhood is cartoons created for the sole purpose of selling merchandise. Let's not pretend that Transformers is Animaniacs.

Which is why I'm kinda looking forward to this. I just want to see some ninja turtles taking guidance from a rat sensei and kicking ass.

I'd like to hear what Ja Rule has to say about this.

Just watched it. I got a little misty-eyed towards the end. Just two old friends catching up and talking about the good old days.

So this is your gimmick.

Oh no, someone doesn't like Metal Gear Solid!

I think you mean China.


Remember that Dave Chappelle skit, "Player Haters Ball"?

Sorry, I'm not buying it. What are you doing still posting on Snark Central?

That would be amazing.

All hail master troll Armond White. I love this man. I hope he sneaks into the next NYFCC awards, preferably dressed as Solid Snake.

I laughed really hard at this for some reason.

Have you ever fought a stranger in the Alps?

Ugh. This fucking show.

God damn it. So much music to listen to, so little time.

The prototypical classic rock guitar solo, imo.

Dislike. Also, that line is copyrighted by Wiseau Films. I am sending you lawsuit.

Incoming lawsuit for you.