Johnny Wiseau

Expect lawsuit in the mail.

Eat a dick nigga.

Fuck you nigga.

The Godfather?

Let's do it then.

10 years…the fuck? What kind of drugs do you take?

This is surprisingly not grim or frostbitten for a Norway band.

The last three minutes of Bad Guy are just epic, and it really does fool the listener into thinking they're in for an amazing journey through the mind of a dying Marshall Mathers. Rhyme or Reason does a reasonably good job of continuing the introspective vibe, but then the next track is one of many "bitches ain't

You wouldn't be the first to suggest that. Apart from the Pet Shop Boys, the man himself:
"I'm out the closet, I've been lying my ass off
All this time me and Dre have been fucking with hats off"

I don't like the homophobic language on MMLP2 either, but for what it's worth, Eminem has himself killed in the opening track by Stan's brother, who tells Eminem this during his dying moments:

I don't drink tea with conservative views, no sir.

I'm glad to hear this. I've been rooting for him for a while now.

Expect a copyright violation notice in the mail, young man.

You're not sick of hearing about them, and you won't ignore them from now on.

Will I see you on the block, with two glocks, screaming "fuck the world!" like Tupac?

"Angel of Love"? "Raining Kittens"?

Yeah, I wish the article photo was one of Seasons-era Slayer. Before the band got fat and tired.

Looks like one of those horrible pop-punk covers from 1999.

Pole fiddler. Heh heh.

About (uh-huh) seven years (that's right) ago.