
Headline should probably have read: He's big, he's bad, and he's… babysitting?!

I started watching Homeland S3 on Saturday and got caught up with this episode last night. Just dropping in to say how much I'm enjoying these reviews. Todd's probably the best reviewer this show could ask for. Keep it up!

How do you have a CW show where the main character is constantly changing her appearance? On the CW, isn't her appearance half the show?
I feel like they'd be constantly coming up with excuses for her to NOT change her appearance, like how Spider-Man or Iron Man are constantly taking off their maks in the films so you

That sounds intriguing. Thanks, I'll check it out!

Yeah, at this point it's tough to watch TV on the non-HD channels. I ended up watching Top of the Lake on Netflix and Rectify on AMC, even though I get the Sundance channel.

Book readers: Where are you getting your book info/reviews from? I used to get them from AV Club but now that Wrapped Up in Books is long buried and the number of reviews was reduced by two-thirds, it's not really doing it for me. Any advice?

You're right. You're very right. Thanks for the thoughtful response. I like that turn of phrase about not being a "being of infinite scope and focus" and I'm going to ruminate on that for a while.

Man, I'm trying. I've managed to give up on a few things that didn't grab me even if my imaginary peer group loves them (for example: Justified), which is progress. Though I'm a bit worried if I just completely do whatever I feel like any given day I'll start a hundred things and never finish any of them, or I won't

"You'll like these people better than your own family."

The last couple years I've been experiencing more anxiety than usual about staying on top of popular culture. I feel a need to watch every big show, play every big video game, go to the movies regularly, check in with comic books, etc. And because I'm an adult with a job and other things I need to do, this is

Sadly I don't watch it either. Another network show that has so many episodes that I feel like I'll never be able to catch up on it so why watch any of it? And yes I know that's neurotic, but that's how I feel about TV these days. Gotta watch 'em all.

I remember when Friends was a huge hit and there were lots of news stories about the cast getting crazy amounts of money, and then I think Everybody Loves Raymond had the same news stories about massive salaries, and then Two and Half Men had those same news stories…

Man, "the readership" sucks. They ruin everything fun.

I didn't know this was a Cormac McCarthy film. I find McCarthy's pessimistic worldview a bit overwhelming. I've read Blood Meridian and The Road, and watched No Country For Old Men, and all left me sort of bummed out, and not in a good way. I guess I'll skip this one. Oh well.

I'd still like articles covering the last four episodes of My So-Called Life.

Yeah, I like that a lot, for some reason. Especially when it involves Angela's parents and Brian Krakow.
"Oh, Brian Krakow's here!"
"Ha ha! It's just Brian Krakow."
"Did Brian Krakow leave?"

I actually thought the interactions between Downey and this kid were pretty funny. Am I alone in that? I'm not really a "kids say the darndest things" kind of guy, but it worked pretty well in the movie.
Anyway, this comment isn't very interesting. Sorry everybody. I wanted to test out the new Disqus.

I see O.J… I see O.J., man, and he looks scared.

I'd argue that most characters on Mad Men are not longing for the past. If anything, they are longing for the future.

Mad Men's would have to be "desire".