Black Swan Green is a FANTASTIC book.
Black Swan Green is a FANTASTIC book.
I've never had any illegal substances either, nor smoked a cigarette, nor had more than a sip of alcohol (on three different occasions in the last 11 years, one of which was an accident, and I don't anticipate a fourth).
Man, I hate audiences. There are some good ones, but most of them are the worst.
Normally I don't feel it's a fair criticism when people say of a new show, "Sure, these episodes are good, but I don't get an idea of what this show will be next season, or after that." Just enjoy the episodes in the moment!
I think I've noticed a tendency in socially-awkward nerdy types (on the Internet, anyway, not people I actually know) to playfully speculate about their place on the autism spectrum, which I saw as a way of avoiding responsibility for their awkwardness. As such, I've avoided considering the diagnosis for myself.
That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture for Carpe Museum. What a great joke.
How did I not know about this? I live in Los Angeles… I've seen Dr. Katz live… can't believe I missed it!
I'd love to check out Person of Interest, and maybe Arrow and Elementary (I have very few fun case-of-the-week shows in my life at the moment), but until I've finished The Shield (currently watching season 3) and Friday Night Lights (currently watching season 1) I can't justify it to myself.
So am I the only one who thinks IT Crowd is superior to Black Books? I really like the actors on Black Books but it doesn't make me laugh like IT Crowd does.
@avclub-2b4da655d7cee9a149406da930671ae9:disqus Dr. Katz is one of my all-time favorite shows, and is incredibly important to me.
Hey, I'm watching The Shield for the first time, and just got to this episode. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and appreciate your comments. I hope you'll be with me through the whole journey.
Cool! Thanks for the info. Hey, I've waited this long, what's another week or so?
Finally! Now I just need to wait for the XL version to get uploaded to YouTube…
I'm excited about this news item.
I want to click Like 100 more times on this one.
Most of my embarrassing stories are so terrible I've refused to share them, but I'll toss in my awful first kiss story here.
An informal poll: In what setting do you folks listen to comedy albums?
I like this idea a lot.