
Great season finale, but what is a post-Jimmy Boardwalk Empire going to look like?

An instant classic, and I've never seven seen Glee.

Did anyone else almost puke when Richard touched the blood?

Finally watched the episode, and am surprised this got such a high grade, the dialog was still terrible until the last scene and the last scene would have been good if there was any depth to these characters. Also is it just me or does the reveal at the end of the episode void out the episodes that came before it? I

This made me want a crossover episode real bad.

would you really put it past Richard to be a necrophiliac?

Man! The next half of the season looks great. I have a feeling the slow introduction to this 3rd timeline will be worth it now that there is something boiling at the surface with Nina, and since it looks like we will be spending the rest of the season with them going over to Earth 2. My guess is we won't see our

he didn't start doing it until she got alzheimer's. Doesn't make sense. However it doesn't mean she couldn't retain some sort of memory from finding out what he was doing.

Of course not, but it really wouldn't be that hard to incorporate more of a home life for him.

Great episode. I want to see more of Civilian Jax.

Awesome news. I just finished the first season of cheers, so I look forward to participating in those discussions. As well as Scrubs since I powered through season 1, took a short break, watched season 2 and felt it was more of the same from season 1 and just couldn't get the energy to start season 3.

So I seem to be the only person who stopped having problems with the Juice story line once Sutter explained the reasoning behind it. Also pretty sure the branch broke once the reaper logo came up.

The only way Statham would make sense is if he was physically fighting the transformers. Now that I would probably watch.

Not according to IMDB.

They need to quit doing those wide master shots with the shitty cgi. Completely unnecessary

Bummer, I was looking forward to this episode since Moira Walley-Beckett co-wrote it.

Take away the zombies and you have a Lifetime movie.

Peter shows up and now we have to wait two weeks for the next episode? Shit. Who is in charge of scheduling over at fox?

Also I forgot to mention how terrible the cgi on this show is. Look at the background in the airport of "people" walking up stairs and stuch. Just awful.

Of course he will be back, there are lot of balls still in the air from this season that will come up next season, but that doesn't mean it will be a war of Walt vs. Mike. I was just saying he wasn't present because killing Gus would have been significantly harder if Mike had been around.