
I still think this show has potential, but a lot of this episode felt forced to me. All the Nazi stuff, and "we love americans", and the flash forwards were pointless and put way too much anticipation on things that wouldn't have felt like such a let down if they hadn't built it up. Also some of the actors seem to be

Great episode and really impressed with how well all the moving parts are working.

No way. Mike wasn't present in the last couple episodes for a reason.

I'm not sure what is worse, reading an asinine comment on a message board or hearing one in person. My mother just told me that she thinks Gus is still alive because on the radio they said "possibly three dead".

Suicide? I'm assuming she was just going to throw herself down the stairs to kill the baby.

I'm glad to see Vince Gilligan sticking to his guns and really turning Walt from Mr. Chips into Scarface, and I loved that Gus went out cool and collected. Great finale to a great season.

Anybody who has ever said Breaking Bad jumped the shark is a philistine. Also I've never really had any problem with something slowly churning. Stalling is one thing, but slowly boiling can pay off in dividends later. Like this season of breaking bad really payed off by exploring every little nook and cranny before it

Great episode, but Ann really is becoming a show stopper. Although the painful setup was worth it for how that whole situation ended.

Yeah, the entire last scene.

Well yeah, but I mean in a satisfying way. It doesn't make sense to have us get attached to Damien's character and his family just to hit the refresh button. Unless they somehow "fix" him in someway yada yada. It's early to be getting into this, but with Showtimes track record of keeping everything going for too long

So I think it's safe to say that this season won't be very good.

Good episode, fingers crossed for more Chalky this season than last seaosn.

Great pilot, but I'm not sure how this show can go past one season.

If you look up Master Stroke in the dictionary you will see a picture of Breaking Bad.

Fuck, dawg. you caught me. MTV IS TURNING SNOOKI INTO A ALCOHOLIC!!!!

Is Rob Lowes hair driving anyone else crazy? Any time I see him I think there will be a Jusitn Bieber joke and it never comes.

This show isn't even entertaining anymore. What a bunch of c*nts.

The Ron/Tammie(s) stuff was good, but I have a hard time believing Tom would become as dumb as Jean-Ralphio and the Anne/Chris stuff was just meh.

Fringe references for the win.

Pretty good pilot, the Fellini reference put it over the top for me. I just hope it becomes more grounded, and I'm not sure how the narration will go over if it continues in every episode.