
If you listen to the Breaking Bad podcast for this episode they talk about how hard it was to get that scene put together and how thrilled they were that all the hard work paid off. They had to freeze some of the actors motion and speed up the film of the clouds and etc. Really interesting stuff.

I don't know if this was posted somewhere, but it's interesting that when you watch the scene of Walt in the desert when it goes to the wide shot it sounds like it's Mike saying "If you could kill me" http://www.amctv.com/breaki…

I'm glad the shows back, but man do I still hate the shows title sequence. Doesn't match the show in the slightest.

I 100% agree with your grade. I had the same issues with the episode leading up to the final 10 minutes. I was a little surprised by some of the editing (made me think there might be an extended version once the blu-ray comes out) I want to watch the episode again to see if I have some of the same squabbles upon a

I'm still having trouble picking my jaw up off the ground.

Another really nice interesting touch is Olivia wearing bright colored shirts and makeup.

Also I got the feeling that this Walter still has all of his brain.

This episode wasn't the greatest, but I think it is probably a necessary step in building how this season will play out. I saw in an interview with the showrunners that peter would be back sooner rather than later (I think around episode 5 or 6?) Also its interesting the way they teased this episode as not only being

This was a weird episode for me. I don't know if I just wasn't in a responsive mood while watching it or what, but it seems early in the season for there to be any wheel spinning, but this episode almost felt like a standalone and I'm not sure why. There is really no point to the guns getting stolen except maybe for

So I'm assuming this means that when House of Cards comes out it will never exist in any form of physical media.

Maybe it's just me, but I will cancel streaming before I do discs. Netflix will have to massively increase their titles to make it worthwhile. I think they just signed their own death warrant.

Great write up. This episode was at least an A- to me and the whole flashback scene was an A.

isn't romany suppose to be in the next episode? I believe i've seen him tweet about being on the weeds set and IMDB has him listed as appearing this season.

I don't think this is a c+ episode, more of B or B- to me, but I can see why it would get graded as such. Modern Family has become more of a "I guess I'll watch it tonight" type show for some scattered laughs. Which is a shame because of how strong season 1 was.

Finally got around to watching this episode.
Probably in my top 5 favorite episodes of Community. Abed's monologue was perfect.

sounds good
the new song sounds good. I'm looking forward to the album. I closed my eyes and imagined a scene from The OC of Summer and seth sitting alone staring off into the distance thinking of much they truly love each other.

I hope
that the full season is actually covered next season.

am I the only one who thought it was
Terrible casting for their mother. This episode started off good, but all of the Monica stuff was ridiculous. The ending of the episode was annoying, but had a nice serious turn that should make for a few last good episodes for the season. Outstanding performances in the ending

most straight forward episode so far
This has probably been my favorite episode to date, and not because it was the most entertaining, but because it was the most straightforward and not so cartoonish. I agree though about the "adult-child sexual contact/innuendo" but it was more sad in this episode. The Karen