
"Why do you say you feel like a woman trapped in a man's body?"
"Cuz sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard."

"Nobody notices a Japanese tourist."

I always say "Sa da tay!" to "be OK". And if and when I do have children, I will warn them of the great perils in this world "guns, drugs…gorillas."

"I've been blown up! Take me to the hospital!"

"Blood Dumpster!"

Ah, see what Noel did there, folks? Good callback! Tip your waiters and try the veal…

But what if Ben really is dead? What if that was the "you must be patient" Richard Alpert was speaking of? Before he could truly join the Hostiles, he had to be patient enough to grow up, and facilitate his own death by manipulating the man who would travel back in time and kill him. Leaving Locke (in 2007) free to

September, September, September!!
Yes, Donna!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I can play indie hipster all I want…EWF's "September" will always be the song I go back to as my favorite song—for all the reasons you said and more. If this song is playing, and you're alive and still have blood coarsing

Should you, just because you can?
Just because we have the ability to watch almost anything at any time, should we do it? Just because it's, you know, there? I love being able to have the ability to, say, DVR anything I want just because, hey, I've been meaning to watch "The Proposition" and it's on later, so why

Valentine's Day mix tape=Our wedding favor CD
Yeah, we were one of those lame couples that made mix CDs for their wedding favors, and a few of the songs mentioned above were on there and would totes be on a Valentine's Day mix to m'lady. ("If I Should Fall Behind"-Bruce Springsteen, "The Luckiest" - Ben Folds) Other

The quick, easy reveal of Rousseau was merciful and necessary. So why all the toying with Miles and the "Are you sure you've never been on this island before?" stuff. We knew it was Rousseau as much as we KNOW that Miles is Dr. Cheng's son? Or, is it just the biggest red herring in TV history?

Ugh…I forgot about ESCAPE FROM L.A.. Yet another craptastic Carpenter flick I paid to see in the theater.

I'm not NOT pumped.
Diehard Carpenter apologist here. (I even saw VAMPIRES in the theater.) But that being said, the synopsis sounds too much like…well…every PG-13 horror movie of the last five years. But hey, if I was able to sit through GHOSTS OF MARS, I guess I can give this a shot.

Well, that "other show" on HBO "that everyone talks about so much" you're referring to, I can only assume is "The Wire" and that won dick from the Emmy people. Or from anyone, for that matter. Though I think it may have won a Peabody. Not the same year as Bill O'Reilly though.

A crime, I tell ya'.
I mean, it should be no surprise since the Emmys routinely overlook quality, but it's a goddamn crime that no one, NO ONE, in the cast of "Friday Night Lights" have received any recognition for the work. It is easily the best acted show on TV. And it's the ENTIRE cast. Not one or two standouts,

Koko B. Ware rules all!!

Oh man!
You got your "Love In Paris" in my "Another 9 1/2 Weeks"!!!

So, here's my crazy-ass theory: Ellie is Ms. Hawking, yes. But why I think Daniel recognizes her, and why Charles Widmore knows where she is, is because she is the mother of both Daniel Faraday and Penny Widmore.

Same floor maybe?
OK, who on staff was pals with Mayim Bialik at UCLA to say, "Hey, know who we should get for 'Random Roles'?" 'Fess up.

I've been waiting for a new movie that I could not look forward to!