
You are legend LAotA. Legend

Shoot man, I like Coldplay. Its more accessible and less heavy than a lot of Radiohead. Its not like you can't like both. Coldplay has some great hooks (some of which are stolen but whatevs) and I feel like they deal with more themes than just "I love you" and "sorry men are assholes". The Scientist, the title

Dammit if I had scrolled just an inch farther I would know Bob Hope had beaten me. Now I feel stupid.

Are its chemical properties similar to Wonderflonium?

Oh man Dumbledore you hit that right on the head. Every family gathering there is a new "if you love movies" suggestion. Last time it was Wild Hogs.

Not sure…
What does "blue-collared" taste like? If something is blue-collared flavored does it taste like oil, cigarettes, and BO? As a geek I can attest that we perfer things that are "Dorito" or "Mountain Dew" flavored.

The Poplife cover is also extra horrible. Looks like she's blowing a barber's shop pole. And she's not into it.

Not wrong.

Despite never actually buying physical CDs and not being all that into any of these particular bands I can instantly identify several of these albums and artists based on the art. I've seen the image a couple times and it stuck. The artwork of Tha Carter III, Sugar Ros's album and Night Ripper instantly make me

I rarely drink but when I do I'll sometimes do half and half of Makers Mark and A Late One. Garnish with a cherry and call it the Winchester. Not overly girly. Doesn't taste like gasoline. Reps the home state.

Santos: Its totally a comment on the tension between the earth-based elements of the environmental movement versus the capitalistic drive to create more technology to exploit the green fever. Swamp thing wants to live simply (and sexily) in his swamp while robots from the future want to mine it for rare clean gases.

Sue's maniacal intensity comes from the fact that Will has thwarted her every attempt to bring down the Glee club before combined with her competitiveness. Like previously mentioned this makes her even more of a cartoon villain.

Artie mentioned the irony of a kid in a wheelchair singing "(Sit down) You're Rocking the Boat" in the pilot. He may think its kind of funny to wear suspenders. I think Artie overall has a really good sense of humor about his chair.

Puck's line got the biggest laugh out of me for any TV show in a while. The director (how sad is it to be a director/school photographer in Lima, Ohio?) was clearly trying to create some kind of socially conscious statement in this mattress commercial and the kids just trampled all over his "vision". Sorry dude,

How good was 2007? Damn.

Jasmine, violet- Ok this is pretty standard stuff.
Mackeral!- Seriously what the motherfuck? "Here honey I want to give you this bottle of celebrity perfume so that everywhere you go your beauty will be perfectly complemented by the wonderful scent of *mackeral*."
These celebrity scents must be some sort of elaborate

This is just to say

Wow, nice read Bfred. Tracy is Stacy hating herself for liking popular music and all kinds of other assorted kitsch. Its ok Stacy, Precious Moments dolls and fake potted plants have their place in the world. You don't have to create existential self-reflexive hate over it.

Matthew McConaughey's arms are very short. He is frequently filmed and photographed in ways that make his arms appear human length but in reality they hardly reach past his waist.

I'll give another vote for Jane Lynch. Her phrasing could make my organic chemistry text funny.