
In that case Adele Exarchopolous was snubbed big time for best actress.

Just to let you know, Blue is the Warmest Color isn't Oscar eligible this year. Something about its release date in France. It would have had to have been released by September and it wasn't until October 9th. I too am disappointed by its absence.

I feel like a celebrity just showed up on the AVC boards.  Like that time Louis CK popped in to clarify something.

I didn't get the joke until you explained it but that made me hate you.  But, I thought other people might get the joke and then saying that I didn't get it would make them think I was stupid which would cause all of the cool kids to laugh at me.  Then I thought I could make it all meta and shit which everyone loves.

I'm sure many here would be fine with giving Minka Kelly a Gentlemen's F.

You know talking to Marc Maron on WTF she mentioned that she can't do roasts where she doesn't like the person that she is roasting.  Maybe she didn't think she would do a good job given what a giant douche Sheen is?

Aim for the eyes.  Everything's got eyes.

Breaking: Ike Turner drives over Richard Bachman
      The troubles continued as Ike proceeded to roll on down the highway in his Rocket 88 model vehicle escalating the offense to a hit and run.  The police will be watching eager to take care of business with this running man.

Whitney Cummings has TWO shows!?  I am outraged.  She is literally one of the worst stand-ups I have ever seen.

Mew two? Was she in a Pokemon movie?

But also not thirty motherfucking cop shows.  Two of these shows will land, develop an audience and be pretty cool.


Ok well maybe hydraulic lubricant showers. Go take your lube shower Lobsters.

Robots don't need showers.

@JFC: So, say Amy is in heaven and her spirit becomes one with your Blood…does that mean that *she* became the drugs?

The Spirit. I kept trying to convince the friends I saw the movie with that it was a comedy. It was so blatantly absurdist. I was cracking up and the whole theater thought I was nuts. But it was hilarious for just how stupid and off the wall it was like a fall down drunk frat boy. Then, about half way through, it

I view this feature as being influenced by the fantastic series by Hyden "Whatever Happened to Alternative Nation". As such the mixing of a broad overview of the music of the year and personal touches makes sense. "Whatever Happened…" was incredible. Best series AVClub has done maybe.

Whatever happened to C&C Music Factory? Didn't they steal one of the "It's Rainin' Men" ladies' voice? Why do I care?

Can I put in a vote for "Hey Arnold!" ?

Celebracion de la Ciudad Natal. I was at that show. Perfection.