Dance Monkey Boy

Yeah pretty sure I heard that, that some palaeontologists suggest there is no such dino as Triceratops.

Or maybe it won't, being heavily believed to be a scavenger, maybe it wouldn't want to risk injury for a small meal.

But we don't see those dipshits and capitalists get devoured by Dinosaurs, every day, that is the difference.

They look lame. It may be truthful but it won't sell as much merchandise. Also the films and books state that the Dinos are not actual dinosaurs, but had their dna completed with frog dna.

They are using the company that is the remnants of Stan Winston Studios, they will be using animatronics.

Stop trying to George Lucas my Dino childhood. Trevorrow doesn't want feathered Dinos because they don't look as menacing.

I want a pocket sized T-Rex!

In all seriousness I really am looking forward to this. Hearing that there is a fully operational park, and seeing the concept art of a picturesque island resort that will inevitably end in vacationers being terrorised by Raptors, just fills 5 year old me with such joy.

The rumour is gene splicing the Dino DNA to create something new.

Masturbate to pictures of your wife.

I had McDonalds and Pizza today, and managed to not kill myself shortly thereafter, so that's kind of a positive…

To be franc, I'm over them too.

But that's very different, having the world know who you are is the goal for most actors today. They get off on having someone recognise them when they are up and coming.

No, because that drawback was for the actor category…

Yeah jokes are made (and often heavily upvoted) in the articles that have "R.I.P." in the headline.

I would never go up to celeb and mother them, but I understand that some people do want to. I guess for someone like Bill Murray who when he started celebrity culture was no where near as veracious as it is today, that yes, it is a bit much. But for young actors, it surely just needs to be seen as a drawback to that

Having to deal with the stuff Bill Murray has to deal with would be probably better than almost all celebrities, its basically 99% positive. Not like a lot of other actors who I'm sure cop quite a bit of negative attention to go with the photos and autographs.

I for one would gladly deal with that sort of little annoyance in exchange for the millions of dollars they receive for working a job they love which itself is pretty cruise-y.

Todd, I get doing Lost a few eps at a time, but "Walkabout" needs it's own individual review.

I know right! I've been grating bullet shavings into my brother's coffee grounds for like seven years…fucker still hasn't died of lead poisoning. That's what i get for living in a country with strict gun laws.