Dance Monkey Boy

Thank goodness I bought some stock in Kleenex® last week!

I am all for the MF hate at getting awards for being the safe choice. But that episode was actually a brilliantly directed piece of television full of sight comedy, so I do think it was the award the show most deserved, along with Burrell.

You mean the theme from Badlands?

Eugene Levy would like a word.

In fairness he is only producing the show, just look at all the shows that JJ Abrams is listed as a producer on. It's Hollywood, sometimes getting a producer credit just means you were in the room when someone came up with an idea.

I feel like this has been done…a lot.

Wilson is less funny, but McCarthy constantly picks obnoxious roles, so hard to choose. But I will go with McCarthy just as an apology because I'm Australian, we really did try to not let Wilson have a career here before she migrated.

Since when did Lindelof write the show by himself? Any episode he personally wrote was done with Cuse, as was the show running duties, but there was a whole writers room on the show. Seems unfair to just keep putting everything on Lindelof.

Dear Hollywood,

You realise every episode of this show ever has been named after the song that plays during the end credits?

I saw it with dual projection which always helps with depth.

It has dropped a little, but it is easily one of the best Hollywood blockbusters ever made.

Having just seen it, I came out of the theatre and realised I had been tensed up for most of the 2+ hour running time. I didn't know what was going to happen to Caesar or the human characters I cared about. It was actually one of the most constantly suspenseful films I have seen in years.

I saw it in 3D tonight. Dowd is speaking bullshit, it has some of the best use of the technology, and is quite subtle but effective.

Just saw it, fantastic. As usual if Dowd gives it a mediocre review, it will be a whole lot of fun.

And people say that Renly was humorous.

Friends is solid…but yeah the latter two don't inspire hope.

Whenever I see Martin Sheen's name attached to a project I get excited, until I realise that it's not Michael Sheen…then I revert back ambivalence.

Well we now know that wasn't rape, just some filmmaking that didn't 100% portray what it intended to.

Well of course, how could anyone disagree with that, but that wasn't the question though.