Dance Monkey Boy

Of course, and it's hard to get on him for that, it was the 50's after all. But the character of Bond is white as created by fleming, no denying that. I have no problem with the logic of 007 and the moniker 'James Bond' is just given to the best Mi6 agents, but in the novels and film series this has never really been

And they dressed her up in a blonde wig and blue contacts, to make sure. Tried to have their cake and blah blah blah…

I mean I won't go into super detail, but the simple fact is James Bond was written by Fleming as a white scottish secret agent. From 'Casino Royale', "Bond reminds me rather of Hoagy Carmichael". As I said, no problem with casting any character with the best actor for the role. But all this casting black actors in

Yeah if you accept that, but if you don't it's hard to be like "oh he's black now. Interesting that never came up in the novels and short stories."

No…can you come 5 times in an hour?

I have no problem with casting whoever is best for the role. Except when it is a pre existing character from another medium, and changing their race means completely changing the character. That just seems more racist than normal hollywood casting decisions. I love Idris Elba as much as the next person, but I'm sorry,

When you workout, one thing you realise is…the best thing for chest is push ups, best thing for biceps is curls, best thing for abs is sit ups (bicycle variation is the best) and the best thing for legs is squats. Moral of the story is, you don't need to spend heaps of money on fad exercise equipment or gym fees. Just

Fuck that c*nt, Plow King all the way!

Australia…you can only get cherry coke at 'american candy stores'. Send your money you will get vanilla coke…and drugs, but ignore drugs,

But of course that is the good thing about 100% agave tequila = no sugar = no hangover!

Nice. It's cool now, I have wifi on the computer, before I just had mobile data.

Fair enough. No excuse as an adult though.

Don't forget to do weights. No matter how much you run, you won't speed up your metabolism, you need resistance training for that.

Ugh do I have to create Anotherr account? Also I guess this signifies that nudisqus has indeed killed off the TI?

Why are all you people drinking cuervo?

I really hate that my country got behind vanilla coke over cherry coke in the flavoured coke battle of 2003.

I'm a ski instructor…and if there is no no snow, i'm giving hj's for a 10er.

there's a forum in the what now?

haha it was ironically I tell you! And misspelled to boot.

Oh thank god some things never change. Here in Japan, alcoholics don't exis…they are called businessmen. As much as that is a stereotype, it's true. Never have I a 86kg guy, been drunk under the table by so many 60kg men. The maps know their booze and they do it well. My fav place I have found here in Niseko has an