Dance Monkey Boy

Snow day for me is called "only time I earn money".

It's called, 'Prostitutes'!

same episode…
"Iv'e only gotten better"
"You're still doing that?"

Gone and Somewhat Forgotten Thread
So I moved to Japan for the winter, and have only been able to access internet by mobile, so haven't posted for a while. First the new layout is horrible, as I'm sure has been mentioned 1000 times. I don't see notifications unless i go into an article…again…1000 times. And it seems

As an australian i can say i wasn't quite up to date on individual state policy in the US, although I obviously shoulda been. Where were my colorado avclub peeps on that one. I think I even brought it up in the TI and alcapwne never said, "oh and pot will be legal here on jan 1st." Come on!

Can I just say in regards to Colarado and their law changes, relating to me not posting here due to me not having (non phone) internet. As a ski instructor who chose to work in japan this winter over aspen….I'm super regretting my decision.

that would only be on the jap version of the dissolve.

yes, everyone's profile picture also includes their genitals being attacked by scorpions…very arousing to say the least.

Ok haven't posted in a long time…forgot that avclub is till covering this ironically. So got re-in touch with a girl recently, found out she legit likes this show. So I downloaded it and live tweeted my reactions to her (I don't have twitter, it was just text messages, as you will notice I only thought if the hashtag

ok i have been in Japan for a few months and haven't visited…is the tolerability index still a thing? And why are there downvotes?

It seems like something Dowd would write just to let everyone know that he doesn't like a movie that came out before he was here. Oh and the criticism that the scene was scored to the muppet singing is wrong, that happened before all the destruction, and I'm pretty sure it's normal for the US anthem to be sung, right?

Since when did a great action set piece like the football stadium collapse in TDKR become "hilariously pretentious"? Fuck whoever wrote that hyperbolic bullshit line.

I thought it seemed obviously that the two blonde sisters stashed her somewhere in the prison, and that's where they went with Tyrese following after the saved him. Why else would Tyrese say to go one way and the girls be so headstrong to go another.

It seems quite obvious that the baby is alive. The older blonde girl is obviously exploring the prison and took the baby the same place that she ran off to than Tyrese followed after her and her sister saved him.

Hehehe. I can see why this is so popular.

Where do people get Dawn of the Dead as a sequel from? It is not a pure sequel to Night of the Living Dead. Thats like calling Hot Fuzz the sequel to Shaun of the Dead.

Are you kidding me? I would have listened to over 100 episodes of DLM, and this Kreischer ep is the only one I just couldn't finish. It was so excruciatingly annoying, Bert's name will now make me skip any future episodes he is involved in. You could tell that it seemed to be grating on Doug, who is normally pretty

As much as I have liked Glenn, I think his character has run its course. There just seems to be no growth in him, and he is now just 'guy in love'. Just like Charlie in Lost, I think he needs to have a meaningful death around about now.

Nazir was the Homeland equivalent of Bin Laden, Javadi is not a known terrorist. He is a high ranking leader of Iran's intelligence service, not quite the same.

She already has a black friend she is moving in with, two birds one stone.