Dance Monkey Boy

From what I have seen and read in interviews, dvd extras and the like, is that McBride certainly has a bit of that style and what not, but his actual personality is the complete opposite of his characters. The guy seems completely nice and humble .

I'd like to imagine that was something he came up with chatting to Watson on the set of This is the End.

Something tells me the graphic probably was just done after he kept doing it.

Merchant is proving that he needs Gervais to balance him out. This show is just too mean spirited and cringe inducing. Of course the work that Gervais & Merchant did together had those elements, but it seems Gervais diluted them, here Merchant obviously is just going too far in that direction. Gervais' Derek certainly

I was getting a bit of PrisonBreak season 3 vibe from it too.

And that storyline introduced  us to the real Ben Linus and his interactions trying to get his surgery got some good scenes out of Jack. Jack was actually good when he interacted with Ben, Locke and Sawyer.

That would be because she is manic, that is how people with bipolar are when they have highs.

I think the whole criticism of Saul's comments to Fara is way over the top. The guy had over 200 people murdered on his watch, and is now head of the CIA, a position he never wanted. He didn't have Carrie around to vent at so he just said some shit he didn't really believe to make himself feel a little better for one

Carrie isn't a moron, she has bipolar. What's your excuse?

And as far as the man/woman thing with obese film and tv characters, when it comes to fat male characters, they will always (in the show) be made fun of for it. Yet if it's a woman, they are mocked much less.

I'm starting work there next month, pretty rusty. Thank god they are polite and impressed with foreigners using even the smallest amount of their language.

You really don't want much water during your run, take a mouthful every 15-20 minutes and spit out 80% of it.

Go for Adidas energy boosts, I've had mine for about 250km and they are fantastic, great on the feet, knees and calf muscles.

I watched a really in depth doco on The Holocaust………oh, never mind.


I'm of a similar opinion, but this was a little bit too over the top, especially when the guy actually leaned back into it.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus that's a hell of a viewing strategy you've got there.

You know that they don't have to accept the offers they get to be in those things, right? They could, you know try to get work on their acting merits.

As an Australian, I can tell you that barely anyone over here thought she was funny, she was never a known name in Aus. I'm saying the blame clearly lies with America. Her only schtick is making fun of her weight problem and saying vagina. What person in charge at ABC allowed this show to continue production after

What, are you saying a hole in an airplane that can rip 200 pound men out of it CAN'T just be plugged up by a flimsy rubber life raft?