Dance Monkey Boy

He should be a regular on Brooklyn 99 as a douchebag cop.

Can't say I have. This wasn't a James Bond styled one man takes out 50 henchman without getting a scratch. And as someone who has shot pistols as a competitive sport, let me tell you, for someone with Quinn's training, those three guards with an accurate handgun at those distances, walk in the park.

But see that's the thing, you can't actually blame Carrie for that, it's her illness at work. People with bi-polar are quite cunning when it comes to covering their tracks, which they will do when high, then after they have rebounded into a low they will forget most things they did when manic.

Still, it was only three guards.

You don't understand mental illness do you?

Yeah I'm sorry you're wrong. Are you kidding? This guy is a black ops agent. He was making shots at less than 10 metres, pretty easy for someone with his sort of training. And he only took down three guards, two went down from quick instinct shots and one from behind, again not hard for a black ops agent.

Almost like she has a mental illness, huh?


I reckon that's pretty spot on for Pine if he put on 30kgs

Yeah, but I went with who it actually is.

(Not to do with the bad photo/headline issue)

Chris Pine turned into James Corden so gradually I hardly noticed.

Finally, Mel Gibson is coming to television!

What will be first, Einstein detective show or a Napoleon detective show?

It's 2013, librarians don't look for books, they look for gainful employment.

For fuck's sake, why must everything be a 'detective with a twist' show? Apparently for network execs, when it comes to people with unique talents, it's all about how said talents could be used to solve murders involving blood and semen.

Shouldn't the relevant fingernails be clipped?

Fair enough, after doing a few others in the list a handful of them are  now different from your article, rough timing.

The icing on the cake was her describing announcing Luke's birth.
"Thousands of children die every day."

She had a great delivery at the airport.
"What if he never comes back?"
"Honey, nobody ever leaves home and doesn't come back."
"I did."