Dance Monkey Boy

that was actually a good flashback with the whole, "farmer or hunter" internal conflict Locke always had.

If it was Wahlberg it would be ,"Take Mr Douche and turn him into Mr Douche with a different haircut."

Wrong, sorry Breaking Bad is better written than anything King has done. And I know it is hyperbolic, but the writing on BB really is more consistently great than any other show I have ever watched.

You just know "Becomes a Lumberjack" will become a new "Jumped the Shark".

Stuff gets left on the cutting room floor. The actor who plays Quinn was overplaying his hand during the debrief after Dex killed Saxon. He was super okay with it and giving Dex looks as if to say, "I know your'e a killer".

Actually Dexter noticing the camera and goading Saxon into trying to kill him with the pen so he could counter and finish Saxon was the only clever thing the finale did. I mean it could have been really stupid if Saxon stabbed Dex in vital organ or artery, instead of in the shoulder.

The writers said it themselves, they see Dex as a superhero.

Wet runny diarrhea basically sums up this finale.

Seems to me like the person who leaked was a crew member who watched the scenes but didn't actually have the chance to read the script, so some stuff was just interpretation of certain scenes.

Probably something to do with the show getting dumber, therefore more accessible. And you barely need to watch episode to episode with the hit over the head V.O. and the 'previously on' that goes for about 2 minutes.

Well it depends, if you're single, Pete is the main character, if you're married it's Kevin.

You mean 'Scarface'.

I don't think that's very fair, the show only had four main characters, Jerry the character may have been a bit boring, but his stories were often funnier than Elaine's.

Pffft, Daryl.

It's not a high quality  show, but as a thriller it is entertaining a lot of the time, the writers know how to do the tense stuff, just not the human bits.

The difference is Claire had very little screen time compared to Kate. Anyone who wasn't part of the missions had a lot less to do than those on the search parties and killing groups.

Yeah, Kate was the least interesting and most annoying. Jack had quite an interesting story with him ratting out his father for causing a death in surgery by being drunk which lead to his fathers death and Jack's exile on the island.

More proof that the folk at IGN are either very stupid, or drink Scott Buck's cum. The finale got an 8.4, I want to create an account over there to mock the morons.

If he (or the writers) cared about being fingered by Saxon he would have killed him last week. But the writers just blanked out who the character of Dexter was, and needed Saxon alive so he could kill Deb and give their finale (what they thought was) dramatic weight.

The leaked spoilers were pretty much accurate except for the last 15 minutes.