Dance Monkey Boy

How ridiculous is it that Dex leaves his  kid to be raised by a woman he met a year ago, who the kid has met on maybe five occasions, and who is a murderer and has no parental skills whatsoever. Kid would have been better off living with aunt Deb's treadmill.

This isn't fucking Lost, there were no questions that needed answering, just some catharsis for the the last four season of shittyness, but no, they fucked up their finale worse than the writers on Heroes.

But it was pretty obvious from the overstated acting that Quinn did know about Dexter.

I can't believe Angel did some actual policee work and caught Saxon

No, we need to honour Josh the same way Dex honoured Deb, community grade needs to be F.

FUCK YOU BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought it may have been a reference to Girls.

Pffft shitty Fox sitcoms that won't get a second season? When GTAV has just dropped, yeah right.

They skipped it because they are lazy hacks. They needed Dexter to decide to let him be arrested so Saxon could kill Deb, and they think that is amazingly suspenseful writing.

Gervais mentioned it on Letterman the other day.

Netflix paid for half the production costs.

Because Netflix paid for half of the production costs.

When he started it in his stand up it wasn't making fun of mental illness, he said that's what all the autograph hunters look like.

No, that would mean the writers had some sort of memory, the dark passenger doesn't exist anymore, until some producer looks over old episodes and says "oh shit we forgot all about one of the main character points". Harry just said what the writers needed him to say. Most of the times Harry appears he is actually

In fairness outrage over film casting pre-internet doesn't really compare. The average person didn't know about who was in movies til they saw posters and trailers. Now we seemingly get weekly updates from casting directors filtered through TV, magazines, radio and any website that has an entertainment section.

Yeah, the enjoyable sensation of having a mouth on penis is cancelled out by the sensation of having a penis in your mouth

I've never understood the concept of seeing a horror at the cinema (not including with a date for some non-movie related activity). Sitting in a theatre with a whole bunch of people only decreases the fear factor. Horror is meant for at home, at night and alone. I remember watching The Strangers and I didn't want to

Okay, I hate this series and Bay as much as the rest of you folks. But if they put in Dinosaurs, I may have to see this unironically.

Clarify, is the the 10 films we think are the best, or the ones we like the most, or a desert island scenario? Because after watching Con-Air the other night, man that thing is just a perfect fun ride.