Dance Monkey Boy

When he finished with his shades, I would have shouted, "How long does it take you to clean the cum off your glasses, asshole?!" But that's just me.

Same guy that ok'd the 'Howard', stupid Jon Hamm!

And the ladies don't care about how many numbers follow after you say "I can bench…". Just focus on those glamour muscles, that's all that really matters unless lifting a certain weight serves an employment purpose.

I'd say the rudest age group I experience in relation to me, someone in there mid 20's would be (not including children under 13) 35-50. At work if people bitch or make faces about me cutting in front of them in lines it tends to be 40 year old parents the most. I find older teens, no matter how cocky they are, will

Hahaha Hawkeye.

See I tend to get angrier at the little things that would be brought up in Curb. Example; yesterday on way back from work saw a cop with a speed camera out, so as any good guy would, the next few cars that drove past in the other direction, I flashed them my lights, and two fuckers in a row didn't give me the cordial

Yeah, and being 21 then, it would have been pretty pretentious of me to do anything other than drink it all in a weekend .

Good on you, and yeah your heigh and hip/shoulder with matters a lot to your bmi. I've settled at 89 which I now want to bump up about 3kg of muscle over the next month

I bought a pair of the new adidas boost runners, thought it may have been a gimmick, but they are brilliant, great fit, super light and the new super bouncy material really does give you a boost.

I know someone who got a nice large print done of a 1080 screen grab from Skyfall and framed it. It was the neon jellyfish scene.

That's the result of spending 40+ hours on skis every week (I'm a ski instructor) and in Australia .

I find it does, especially from the male angle (looking straight down).

Ugh, everywhere is hurting, but I don't believe in physios or chiros. First of all my tailbone is quite sore from skiing backwards into a tree. Second would be my head, I was crossing over a T-bar track when the person coming up fell off and the T-bar went straight into my head. Third is my thumb, which someone

At the end of my first week giving private lessons in Aspen, the couple I instructed gave me (as a tip) a bottle of Johhny Blue, it was such an over the top gift and such great scotch, well let's say it was a very memorable weekend (man looking back, a weekend? I fucking wasted that stuff.)

That reminds me of my first time working in the states, was at a house party and was partaking in some drinking games, someone asked if I had any Aus ones, a Canadian friend who had just previously worked with me in Aus said, "yeah they have a drinking game, it's called, drinking".

Oh I only drink full strength beers (1.3 standard drinks), and yeah it does, but the main thing is how bloated you feel, which is why I pretty much only drink blondes and other low carb beers. Most nights I'll chuck in two or three JD and cokes to speed up the process.

Simultaneously while finishing.

Yes, type 'chat roulette' into google and start jerking off.

It takes me a 6 pack to get a good tipsy feeling going if I drink before dinner, 10-12 after dinner. On sunday, I woke up to watch some football at about 2pm, hadn't drunk sat night, had 3 beers in the fridge, downed them within an hour (I think I need to start drinking on a completely empty stomach) I was feeling

Shouldn't that be, 'flowsthead, male, Boston…totally doesn't work for the NSA"?