Dance Monkey Boy

Ahh the benefits of having minimal hair, no chest or back hair to worry about.

The infinite runway kind of made me a little too angry to elevate it above dumb fun. I'd say of the films I've seen in the cinema this year could be classified as action somewhat (JP3D, IM3, Star Trek, MoS, This is the End, Pacific Rim, The Wolverine and The World's End) Iron Man 3 was probably the best action film.

How can something so mindful as Jaws really be blamed for ushering in mindless summer movies? The films and people involved that were released the following summer that were crap and still made big money deserve the blame.

Especially because Life of Pi was such a cgi heavy film it doesn't seem fair. I think they need a cgi percentage that once a film goes over, it is ineligible for cinematography awards.

Belt: Yes
Shoes: No

Checked for ticks?

Skyfall was just gorgeous in so many different ways.

Ad in the local paper always works.

Just offline stuff.

Ugh, I cry far too much watching films/tv, way more often than in response to real life.

"You look more like husband and wife."

It was! The conversion worked because there was already so much depth in lots of the different scenes. Only flick I've seen this year in 3D it did break my rule of, 'if it aint filmed in 3D, you don't see it in 3D'.

I'd say JP falls in the small category of adventure films, rather than action. It is certainly the top of that category.

Fuck Off

In fairness, Dexter, used to shows use all those little details of how Dex got away with things. Then the writing got lazy and Dex would kill people in places that the character never would, then just edit away the details (Dex killing the russian last year in an international airport).

I think it's more to do with the loss of his sister.

Sam scenes where he is only interacting with male characters are usually quite fine.

In fairiness they were also high off of Lilith's blood.

I'm sure this is exactly what Tina Fey's vision for her screenplay looked like.

Honestly have no idea who she is, have never heard her name before. Is that strange?