Dance Monkey Boy

Drugs are bad, M'kay.

I can't not like anything Pegg does. And yeah, sorry Rupert, no way is Emma sticking with you, so he nailed that part.

Makes a hell of a lot more sense than Joey and Rachel. I can't even watch those episodes, they are so terrible and misguided.

But Joey could eat damn it!

Is there a song called, "Don't do heroin when you're rich enough to do coke everyday" that they can cover with some auto-tune beats?

Oh this is going to be so horrible, I await Todd's 'F' with bated breath.

Actions speak louder than words. Most people would think SMG would be a good fit for a Shield type show, and god knows she could use a job with that much hype, but nope, nothing. She is on some CBS show that probably won't get a second season.

At his prices, just buy coke.

It's adorable that Bradley Cooper is an A-List actor nowadays.

I don't think Joss has much respect for SMG as an actor, I mean he is notorious for going back and using his favourite performers, and SMG hasn't been in anything Whedon related, that has to say something.

Whatever, we saved Sydney and proved that giant robots were apparently better than some concrete wall.

As an Aussie, I can't tell you if Worthington was even trying a Yank accent for most of that movie.

Yet still Amanda Bynes' vagina goes un-assasinated…

Charlie Hunnam is fucking terrible, I can't think of a worse person to do narration. I've never heard someone who has been acting as an American for over a decade do such a shitty American accent.

Did they not notice that the Chinese Jaeger pilots died first? Us Aussie Jaeger pilots (played inexplicably by a Brit and a New Yorker) totally saved the day with suicidal sacrifice.

That's fine. 98% of the things in the movie were made in China anyway, including Charlie Day.

Ugh, does that Norelco thing advertised do nose hair? 25 is too young for nose hair grooming, right?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Fair enough, as a form of protection, condoms are so much cheaper than Norton 360.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Well I managed to sneak a six pack into The World's End. Well, when I say sneak, we went after dinner and we were the only people who purchased tickets, I just asked the guy, "can we bring in booze?", he said "yes", as long as we took out the empties and throw them

Apparently I have some kind of disease because my resting heart rate is in the 50's, so now it seems being fit is also an illness.