Dance Monkey Boy

When I edit, after I put my cursor in a certain place I can't move it and have to click 'save', then 'edit' all over again. Which is really hard for someone with 12 beers in their system. Also to your joke, quite the opposite, out at dinner tonight with friends, I had a girl who was out to dinner with what seemed like

I have a similar point, I really liked Katy Perry before I found out she sang songs.

He cannot spell 'Heroin', thats a key indicator of someone who is on heroin! Did you learn nothing from the Glee kid/adult?

I don't know shit about baseball. I have to deal with my rugby league team being embroiled with a doping scandal. But at least Clarky has a ton in the ashes. Oh yeah, I just confused the shit out of you with Australian sport.

To be honest I only look at sport news for the most part, I don't need to be dealing with other people's misery.

Fucking Hell! Is Disqus being super cunty to anyone else at the moment?!

He and the Rock were consuming 100g of protein a day, they have no time for Boston.

I wasn't trying to impose anything with that, I just genuinely mean, if anyone outside of my friends and family said anything disparaging about my mother then they deserve a punch. Or if they are female, they deserve a slap from a female friend of mine. I'm sure you are

I can't believe people waste money on magazines. I mean the same info is online for free, save that money for booze, or home-made explosives…whatever floats your boat.

Awww, that seems genuine without a hint of snark…

I'm not sure of the stats in America, but I'd imagine the majority of the population are white, so yeah, get used to the majority of film characters being white.

This website is great, but in all honesty, if anyone said that to my face, they'd get a right hook square in the jaw.

He'll be that German guy from Flight93, but he won't be a pussy.

"Availability: An out-of-print MGM DVD, which can be obtained through Netflix’s disc delivery service, and digital purchase through iTunes."

Nice to see Marky Mark really stretching himself as an actor with this out of left field choice in project.

What about a female homosexual vegetarian pro-choice atheist for president?

Ugh, this is what I get for being asleep during the Tolerability Index.

Oh god, I just saw an ad for The Bible, it looks horrid. I don't understand why an Australian network bought the rights to it, our country is one of the least religious in the world.

Does anyone really get their big break in a music video? Not being sarcastic, honestly asking, I just don't think anyone has became a known name just by being in a music video.

Guys, guys….The World's End is great, see it in theatres! Also, At World's End is still terrible.