Dance Monkey Boy

Don't worry, he is just going to be a gaffer on the film.

Me too, seeing it opening night next week with a bunch of friends, we are gonna sneak booze in. I mean It is a British film with a pub crawl being a major plot point, surely it is expected.

Vesper was pretty awesome, and she was in the best Bond, compared to Pike, who was in the worst.

You got the "real pretty" part right, O'Neal.

Now I think you are responsible for this, I mentioned to a female friend that someone told me I look like the rapey guy from AHS…so guess what my (enforced) halloween outfit is this year?

Freddie is the O'Neal of the horror franchise world.

I'll pass. Although your cameo in the latest Goldberg/Rogen joint was funny.

Wait, people actually look at the heads on their currency? I solely look at the number, which equates to how much prostitutes I can buy.

It is odd you know so much about Dik's personal life.

Well they have to make room for TBBT and Modern Family, because they are popular among average folk. And VanDerWerff has Emmy voter's family members held hostage until they give Girls and Lena Dunham all the 'comedy' nominations it/she 'deserves'.

I refuse to do any of my normal AVclub etiquette for a singing competition.

Exactly, you never get random door knocks and receive good news. Plain fact is, people you don't know coming to your place will only be a burden. I mean I barely get mail theses days with most things being email. I never answer my phone if its an unknown number, too much

Fun Fact: My current housing has had the doorbell been broken for over four years now, but no one has ever taken down the buzzer. I think it's for the best, when has someone unexpectedly knocked on your door and not asked for something, be it money for some charity or something equally as annoying?

Unless you are Steve Carell in an Anchorman movie.

Well I saw a japanese guy wearing a spiderman cap in The Wolverine, so I think anything is up for grabs.

Australia has him. Apparently people like him on the voice (I refuse to italicise a singing competition reality show).

I'm banking on Jean-Ralphio getting with her in the episode's tag, after 18 minutes of Aziz pursuing her.

Marah, have some respect, we all know that Norris is stuck inside a giant dome, also known as a CBS contract.

Cranston is the one who drinks…

Exactly. And I'm always going to prefer a Spidey series that starts with Gwen as the love interest, as it should be.