Dance Monkey Boy

Yeah that is exactly where I come form it at. As in, I completely understand anyone who is attracted to men being attracted to Reynolds, but as someone who isn't attracted to men, I still totally get why he is a desired property.

But…Emma Stone!

Saw it last year after reading a comment on here, It was great, those sex scenes were fantastically hilarious.

I never noticed until I saw her as a brunette (she looks so much more like an average person rather than a celebrity) but she looks so much like my first girlfriend.

10 minutes for sure…

Seems to get some unfair slack for his Spidey role, so I will say, he is twice the Peter Parker than Tobey ever was.

Ugh, you brought them up! I remember going with my sister when she was looking at buying a house, and it was the parents of those twins. The real estate agent tried to use it as a selling point, if the world was just, the estate agent would be living in a fixer upper (cardboard box) right now.

Saw a trailer for We're The Millers, and I have to hand it to Aniston on being extremely bangable for over 20 years, good job sport!

No, I haven't watched season 1 in a while.

Oh 'Australian' is a whole nother language.

Totally unrelated, but does anyone here use Wii Fit? I ask because one of my roommates had me do the 10 minute hoola hoop game, holy shit is that thing intense, it becomes more of a 'how long can you continually thrust during sex?' game though.

If one of those straight men was Ewan McGregor, then YES!

As an Aussie, I will say no! Bar Nick Cave, we haven't put out anything great since Bon Scott was still singing for Acca Dacca.

Well I would only use 'homo' in a joke. I see the whole 'straight man' thing as just saying, "as a man who is comfortable whith his sexuality and is able to see handsomeness in other men, this guy is doing all right".

Wrong, I only have casual sex (which isn't a good thing in my book) and yet I still do't have time now I;m back at work. I did that a lot in my sabbatical, which is what I used to do in my youthier youth, it reallu=y think it is the best way to take in new songs.

because that's a name for poo, right?

Well I have a 25 minute drive, so I can't even listen to a new album in it's entirety. I used to listen to new albums three times before I even passed judgement on them.

Viewers want the next HP, studios are fine with the next Twilight.

the withered vagina of princess Leia…

As someone who has someone done a round the world trip let me say, it is not a fun experience, I mean the trip is fun, but all those long haul flights in succession is fucking torture,