Dance Monkey Boy

I'm still banking on that turtle out living Love.

That turtle has so many diseases.

Is someone working on their Sharknado sequel spec-script?

Or just some hungover person that works at the natural history museum.

Oh, so I'm only supposed to have started that research now…

Wouldn't the Christians get on it, saying it's proof that dinosaur fossils were just something the Jews buried in 1924.

Not really, Family Guy is like Hawkeye and Black Widow; completely useless in comparison.

It hasn't ruined my memories because I don't watch the new stuff, I think if I did, it would tarnish the golden era.

I still watch it too, well my dvd's of seasons 2 through 8 anyway.

I'm sure that won't give some poor old woman a heart attack.

Ironically his most alive performance is when he is buried in a coffin.

Is it something to Google, or will it just make us sad?

Normally I'd think the same of a movie starring Aniston and Sudeikis. But I laughed quite a bit at the trailer I saw before This is the End. Maybe it was just because I was so ready to laugh at Rogen and co.

I find Reynolds to be quite charming in interviews. I remember one chat show where he talks about skydiving, and that he pulled his chute and it failed. Then before pulling his reserve he thought to himself, "but then I'll have none left". That anecdote has stayed with me, such a good comedy line.

Yeah, but see, straight away that has the chances of Brie being nude also, so I welcome the thought of seeing lil' Galifianakas.

When asked about Mr Reynolds' choices in projects, his agent was quoted as saying only, "I like cocaine".

It's almost as dramatic as when Panic at the Disco! dropped the exclamation mark.

The only one that was distracting was The Dark Knight Rises. When it would cut back and forth between the Imax scenes and the dialogue scenes, in different aspect ratios.

God dammit, one of the few times I wish we could like our own comments. I'm staying strong that that is a solid joke in response to Sandler.

Bars are lit to make people look more attractive, therefore increasing the amount of alcohol sold.