Dance Monkey Boy

Admission: Never played it.

About 52 minutes…

You wouldn't want that, he will come back and regale his harrowing tale of survival for weeks!!!

Booze Thread

Cheese & Onion Pringles by a huge majority.

Apparently the people now have a higher percentage of sad/angry faces than happy faces.

Don't worry, I'm sure his relatives will start dying soon.

If you're in it for the taste, you're going in for the wrong reasons, it just tastes like random sugar material.


So you're saying that the sound editing is….

Work Thread

It's obviously being pulled that way by a giant magnet, bitch!

The Walt Jr photo is so out of place, did he really need a promo pic?

Completely agree, I though Manning gave some of the best performances and completely disappeared into her character. She was just in the unfortunate position of having to play the most over the top character, who also changes radicaly depending on what the writers need her to be. Prepon is easily the weakest cast

In one of the first episodes, Caputo started masturbating as soon as Chapman left his office, presumably while thinking of her. CREEP FACTOR: HIGH.

I think it could work as an IFC live game show.

It must suck to be a celebrity that does the whole 'get in shape' thing, then rebounds back. I mean it's out there for everyone to see, and go back and look at interviews to see if you were all smug about losing weight.

I think you are coming at it the wrong way. There is a difference between a person being more worthwhile, and a person's death mattering more. I don't think that Corey Monteith, or any other celebrity's life is more valuable than mine, or yours, or any other decent

Because I enjoyed the 5 minutes of Wade Wilson in Wolverine.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Godric, who I miss. But they were all millennia after this Lillith/Warlow stuff. I think Lillith mentioned that 'God' told her she'd encounter fairies, seems that maybe she was on an actual mission from 'God' to start creating the vampire race. Just thinking about that