Dance Monkey Boy

Just had to say, great job Doug, getting Paul Feig on the show (seemed charming and understood the game), and also to say, you fool, Doug! For letting Pete Holmes be on the same episode.

It was a watermark episode, that's for sure.

It's the KFC bucket of television.

I think she had been making human vamps for a while. She was all "what are you?" when she smelled that fairy ju ju on him, and she didn't just drain him, she made him vamp straight from the get go.

As much as I love Paul's work, I really do see Reynolds as the perfect choice for Deadpool.

Well if you want to be a bogan (redneck), you can call it 'Stralia', but you don't want to do that.

Unless she come back without dialogue…or clothes.

But for us in Astralia we just had some advance screenings of This is the end. And god damn, that's the most I think I've ever laughed at the cinema, genuine laugh a minute through the entire thing. Was also great to sit through a comedy with a comedy run time of a little over 90 minutes, thank god Rogen hasn't

That's exactly what a terrorist would say.

They are just going for the air conditioning and to eat, if a film movie happens to be playing, then that's a bonus for them.

God damn R.I.P. articles on Avclub always unfortunately end up looking like fucking youtube comments sections, maybe best if these were made with no commenting from now on.

You do realise that even if Ledger's death was from being depressed and in a dark state of mind after having played that character, and  thats still a big if. That Ledger made the choices to play the character the way he did, he chose to isolate himself to get into the role. He was a talented actor who was given a

Fuck it, I'll go in to bat for why it 'matters' more when famous people die. When a person dies, it is sad, mainly for the family, friends and loved ones left behind to mourn the person they cared about being  gone. Also for the empty space that person left behind, the things they will never get to do. Now when it is

I agree with you on some points on addiction. Alcohol is easy to understand that people don't make that choice, most of us drink booze, but some drink too much and it gets to point where they become addicted. That is unfortunate and those people have my sympathy, for it is such a slippery slope. On the flip side, for

That smug photo sums up his dickishness pretty darn well.

By Ben Stiller?

No, but the robots are built by a subsidiary of Kitten Mittens®

I mean, a B is basically an A- from Dowd.

I find most US sports to be very boring compared to their Aussie/British counterparts. NFL is horribly slow and dull compared to Rugby League or Australian Rules Football. And Baseball is a super monotonous counterpoint to cricket.

That it a good name. My nephew's is Blake which is fine, for a kid or adult. But I find it just doesn't suit a baby/toddler.