Dance Monkey Boy

A duck was not exactly how I was hoping Pup would respond to all the drama.

I wish my sister had listened to suggestions for baby names, I hate the name my nephew has, so I just call him Liam. I'm sure it's annoying to her, but hey until he can say "don't call me that", I'm sticking with it.

Being a guy it is great to have one cologne that you just stick with (Joop Go).

Fun Fact: People with over 200 moles on their bodies age better than those with fewer than 200.

Do The Long Way Round, but only with Ewan.

Third week of being back at work and I'm down 7kgs (what, like 15lbs?), back to 88kgs (195?)

Found my perfect whiskey glass that I just ordered!

Agreed. Say what you want about Tosh.O, but Daniel Tosh has loads of great material in the two specials iv'e seen of his.

Probably some new radical chemo sessions, you know, because they are curing people every day.

Because it's funnier than any comedy film from the last 20 years…

My uncle and I for X-mas, but we know each others tastes (which are pretty much the same), so it all works out.

Good job. I always liked how apparently Lisa's mother visits her lazy ass daughter every day, only to leave after saying a few lines of dialogue.

Indeed it is.

Silly auto correct, I use 'Turd' so much more often than 'Turn'.

Another retroactive smokey plan could be the first appearance as someone else, 'Christian', leading Jack to find water, or maybe to just fall of a cliff and die (as Jack nearly does), thereby eliminating a candidate without actually committing the act.

I highly recommend the Room ep of How Did This Get Made? to anyone that loves this golden turd of a movie.

It is a hard thing to gauge, seeing as we are unable to know when the Jacob/Esau stuff was created and when it was decided that Esau was the monster. There are hints that it was something that was planned for a while. Like when 'Yemi' appears to Eko and Locke in dreams insisting that Eko get John to the question mark

Interested to get your viewpoint on Eko's showdown with the monster. If we are to believe that by this point of the show's writing process, Lindelof and Cuse had decided that the monster is Esau. And things do match up, with the monster taking the form of Yemi, whose body was on the island. Do you think that If Eko

Oh man, I just can't figure books out. Sometimes they're just too smart. Sometimes they're flat-out stupid. Other times they're just evil.