Dance Monkey Boy

It seems to me like you're the eggspurt, Greg!

Yeah, I don't know what he expects when he goes to see summer blockbusters. You can only judge a movie against what it is, This is the End was a bunch of comedy actors playing heightened versions of themselves during the apocalypse. It was made to be funny, it succeeded with flying colours. For me that is at least an

I don't think I've agreed with any of his reviews I've seen.

Yeah, his history in the previous films makes me think that his character will be killed off first, around the 45 minute mark. Especially when I think about his schedule as of late, making and promoting The Hobbit.

Yeah, like I said they give me different results. Shaun gives me laughs but a lot of the time it gives me thoughts of "that's just a great piece of direction" or, "that line is fucking genius". While Hot Fuzz is also expertly put together, but more often though, it just makes me laugh, a lot.

Extremely fucking stoked! I'm liking the idea of Pegg being the drop kick character.

In fairness though, Freeman has been in the other two films of the 'trilogy'.

I always compare this and Shaun with The Office and Extras. The Office and Shaun are more original and smarter, and better as a whole, but Extras and Hot Fuzz are just funnier.

Something tells me that will be Ant-Man.

The only footwear most guys tend to notice are FMB's.

Yeah, I only stalk and murder 23 year old women…
No actually, last meaningful relationship I had was with a 23 year old, and we broke up a week after her 24th birthday.

And if we give up that, what will be next? Will we get to a point when we have to just look at Anne Hathaway and…what, have a glass of water?

Why, because she flipped the Hollywood standard by giving head as part of a role, instead of giving head to get a role?

What are your feelings on the current climate of pubic hair?

I stand by my originally liking your post. But being completely honest I liked it just from glancing '23' and 'girl', that is just my favourite vintage of gal right now.

This Ain't Boogie Nights XXX: A Porn Parody

Not booze related. But as a LOST fan I must point out, after just now looking at the article, the statue on the island had 4 toes, not 3.

Not as yet. I'm in my second full week back at work, and after having not been skiing for 6 months my abs, hammies and quads are killing me, to the point that I haven't been able to sleep. I'll see what I can do over the weekend

Mangos of Wrath: Grapes Aren't in Season Right At The Moment

That's completely alright. With all the cookie monster terrorism, everyone was a little on edge.