Dance Monkey Boy

Australia, 2:30 am

Ok we don't have those yet in Australia, that sounds indeed horrid. The only one I have bought myself in Absolut Vanilla, which is really nice during cold nights. But now I'm back at my home town snow town, they have this great local butterscotch schnapps that is just so fucking good, so no need for vanilla vodka.

I miss sampling all the different beers. But since going to only low carb beers, my choices are pretty limited.

My nephew just turned one. I'm not much of a baby person, but from when he started crawling to now that he is walking all over the place, so much fun. I'm bummed out I won't get to see him for 4+ months. It is a cliche, but being an aunt or uncle is great because you can leave, you can care for the baby all night if

I just don't sleep on planes (I'm horribly afraid of snoring loudly), seems to work. Ive done 22 hours, then gone to an outdoor music festival and felt no ill effects. But I seem to be able to have no sleep for a day and a half and still be as energetic as normal.

Cooking meals does feel good. Though certain things are just better when someone hands them to you, such as a peanut butter sandwich. Really great when someone makes one for you and you eat it, but there is no satisfaction in making your own.

I think my biggest highly processed food letdown was when I learnt that Pringles are just a paste that is squirted into the pringle shape and cooked.

Me neither!

Really, it has just blown up? It's been going on for ages. Fun fact: currently tipsy form a handful of glasses of cranberry vodka and coke.

Oh you are gonna have to do a lot of CuntPunting.
The two Hellboy films together didn't even out gross Grown Ups.

"This content is currently unavailable."

I don't think it will do that well at the box office, considering it's release is surrounded by well known franchises, and the average movie goer doesn't know or care about del Toro. But I'm expecting it to be entertaining as fuck.

Oh, I know that. But I can guarantee if it were a music genre that wasn't made up primarily of black artists then there wouldn't be the same reaction. If this were a Katy Perry article and I had said the same regarding Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, I'd imagine responses would be more like, "Count yourself lucky".

It's even easier when you live in Australia, not the US. Of course the music still gets here, and there are a shit load of fans here, but the deep rooted culture of hip-hop certainly hasn't set up shop here. Certainly not when I was in school.

It was done lightheartedly. Well I wouldn't say I put effort into not listening to rap or hip-hop, but I'm not a fan of the genres, so I do avoid them in that sense. The same way I don't like 2 and a half men and have managed to never see an entire episode despite it being the most popular comedy of the last 10 years.

I really hope that O'Neal has a keyboard shortcut by now, instead of typing 'franco' every time.

I'm sure I would have heard a song or more from Kanye. But I wouldn't be able to know if I had, I've never made a conscious decision to listen to his music. And as someone who doesn't listen to hip-hop, it's pretty easy to miss even the pinnacle artists of the genre.

Again I don't get the reference at all. And the name isn't a reference to anything, just three words I typed in when registering.

They're cousins.

It's 'Lose Yourself'.